Do you ever just have one of those days where everything seems to go right? Okay a lot of times lately I don't, but today has been a great day! Especially for a Monday. A lot of my Mondays don't start out so great...just because I have to get up and stay up when Gunnar gets up for the day (not like on the weekends when Lars lets me go back to bed!) and Ashton usually starts out wondering where Daddy is and is upset when I tell him he's at work, then he's in a bad mood for the first hour, and I just have a thousand things to catch up on after the weekend. But today was different...well I guess it kind of started last night because I think I got the best night of sleep I've gotten for about 6 months. No Gunnar didn't sleep through the night, but he did sleep from 8:00 till about 2:30 at which point he just kind of whimpered and went back to sleep till 4:30, then I fed him and he went back down till about 6:00. Then Lars got up with him so I could go back to bed (thank you Hunnie!), and at about 7:00 he went and laid Gunnar back down and he and Ashton both slept till a little after 8:00! So I actually felt almost rested! I could get used to a schedule like that.
Then both boys woke up happy and Ashton actually ate a bowl of oatmeal and a waffle nicely, then got dressed nicely and got in the stroller nicely for our walk, didn't get too whiny and obnoxious on our walk, and even played nicely by himself while I got showered for the day. Then Gunnar took an hour and a half nap!!! (yes this is unusual).
So I got to play with Ashton while he slept for awhile.
Then as I'm messing around on the computer this morning, I got an email from a girl who I had met a a few weeks ago at a boutique I went to (her name is Brittany and she is a photographer) anyway that night she had given me her business card so I checked out her blog and she was having a "Cutest kid on the block" contest where people could send in pictures of their kids and possibly win a free photo session with her.
So of course I had to send in a few pictures of Ashton and Gunnar.
Anyway today she emailed me to say I won!!! I'm so excited for her to take their pictures. You can check out her blog @ and see the post from today with pictures of Ashton and Gunnar saying that we won! Plus check out some of the pictures she's taken...she does a great job!
So now I just need to give her a call and set up a time and pray that Ashton & Gunnar will cooperate!
I've really been wanting to get some pictures of them done together and some of Gunnar at this cute stage, before he gets way too busy to look at the camera. So this will be a great opportunity. I was so excited when I got her email :)
Then awhile later, my friend Aurora called to see if we wanted to get together this afternoon and take the kids down to the river trail to ride their bikes. It's such a nice day here today, so we met up with them around 1:00 and walked the trail, then let the boys play in their little "fort" for about half an hour. It was great because they got along so well today and no one got hurt, and I got an extra walk in for the day!
Ashton, Dante & Julius
And they even left relatively nicely when we told them it was time to go.
So we just got home awhile ago and Ashton went over to play with a friend and Gunnar went down for another nap.
(Which gives me time to blog!)Now Lars will be home in an hour! Oh and I had a good hair day! That never hurts :) I love days like today...they have to come around sometimes don't they? Not to make it seem like most other days are bad, but they just don't all go sooo smoothly! Maybe we'll even get around to decorating for Christmas tonight!