I want to do a post just about Ashton and what's been going on with him lately.
First of all, I just adore my sweet Ashton...boy do he and I butt heads some days, but I love him so much and treasure this time in my life still having him at home with me and just getting to be his mom.
I just can't believe he will soon be 11 years old. It just blows me away how quickly the time flies by.
A couple months ago, he went to put his glasses on before school and they just snapped in half.
So I took him into the eye dr. that afternoon and found out that we could order his same frames, but they would take a week or two to arrive. So they suggested he could try out contacts. He was so excited! And we decided to take a trial pair home as well as order his frames again.
We went right home and I taught him how to put them in, and he has loved them and wears them almost every day all day now.
I kind of miss him in glasses, but he is so handsome without them too...
I kind of miss him in glasses, but he is so handsome without them too...
He is doing so great in school and I am just so proud of him. He still just loves being at home and loves his free time to do whatever he wants around the house or outside playing with friends.
I felt so bad for him last weekend when he came running into the house saying he'd gotten hit in the face with a baseball bat :( He was crying so hard he couldn't really talk and was really bleeding from his mouth.
I felt so bad for him last weekend when he came running into the house saying he'd gotten hit in the face with a baseball bat :( He was crying so hard he couldn't really talk and was really bleeding from his mouth.

It was awful!
He said he felt like his front teeth were falling out and we were really worried that they were loose. He had a big gash in his lip as well, so after Lars went to try to talk to the kids's parents to see what had happened (with no luck and a lot of drama!)
He said he felt like his front teeth were falling out and we were really worried that they were loose. He had a big gash in his lip as well, so after Lars went to try to talk to the kids's parents to see what had happened (with no luck and a lot of drama!)
...we took Ashton into Instacare. Thankfully he did not need stitches and they were able to see that his teeth were secure.
And after the fact, I was so thankful that it had not hit him in the head somewhere, or the nose. It got even more swollen in the days following, but now a week later, it is healing up well thank goodness!

It was so sad and kind of a nightmare of a situation.
Anyway last week before all of that, he and I went on a date night to the mall to find pants for him and to dinner.
It was so much fun and I really need to do it more often. He was sweet and polite and grateful all night and we had the best time together.
I think I want him to stay 10 for another year :)
I'm sad they are growing up way too fast also. And I so often wish you lived closer to here. I am so glad you have always found wonderful ways to spend special time with both of them though :)
Congrats on the contacts Ashton! It will make life so much easier. I am so sorry he got hit in the face with the bat. It looks so painful!
Oh, his poor lip! That is so sad!!! :(
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