I was just putting Ashton to bed (which I hardly ever get to do, because he always wants Lars to) and I was reading him one of his favorite books "Harold and the Purple Crayon" in which Harold draws everything in his imagination with his purple crayon. It came to a part where Harold is wondering what it's like to be an animal and Ashton says very seriously "I don't ever want to be an animal, I want to be an engineer like Daddy." He's so funny! And such a Daddy's boy. He worships Lars. Every morning if he wakes up before Lars leaves to go to work he begs and begs him-"Daddy please don't go to work today." And he can't wait for him to come home every day. I know he loves his Mommy, but Daddy is definitely #1 in his life right now. It did make me feel good the other day when twice he came up and spontaneously gave me a hug! He NEVER does that...so I said to him "Ashton you made my day when you hugged me!" Then yesterday he came up to me and said "Mommy it would make my day if you gave me a kiss." How can I resist that? I have to take them when I can get them!
How cute. Aren't they precious at this age. Take the kisses when you can get them (especially from boys) because when they're older- that's gross to get a kiss from your mom. Fortunately, I'm bombarded by kisses from my girls. Sometimes unfortuately. I kind of wish, for Brady's sake that one of ours was a Daddy's girl. They're all momma's girls. Maybe oneday we'll get a boy. AUdrey
1 comment:
How cute. Aren't they precious at this age. Take the kisses when you can get them (especially from boys) because when they're older- that's gross to get a kiss from your mom. Fortunately, I'm bombarded by kisses from my girls. Sometimes unfortuately. I kind of wish, for Brady's sake that one of ours was a Daddy's girl. They're all momma's girls. Maybe oneday we'll get a boy.
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