I have recently been back in touch with my beauty school roommate Jody! It was about 14 years ago that she and I and another friend moved to Logan from Evanston. That year of beauty school was one of the most fun times of my life! There were 5 of us that were inseparable at school and I have the greatest memories of those days. After we both graduated we moved to Clearfield and worked at a dive of a salon for a few months and not long after that I moved back to Logan and Jody moved to Evanston and we kind of lost touch all these years till we saw eachother at our 10 year reunion almost 5 years ago and still didn't do well at keeping in touch after that. Then a couple months ago I found her husband on facebook and he had a link to her blog on there and I was so excited to catch up with her life and now we've been back in touch! It's been way too long Jody! Yay for blogging hu?
Saturday she called me to see if we wanted some tickets to the Aggie game, she and her husband Geoff and their baby Jenna (who is about Gunnar's age) were coming to Logan to go to it and stay the night. Of course I said yes! And I was so excited to get together with them. I don't think I saw more than a minute of the game since we spent the entire 2 hours or so chatting and catching up.
(late night for the babies:)
At one point I hear Lars yelling to me...
"Look Ashton's up on the JumboTron!"
I looked up and saw Ashton in his bright yellow shirt on the big screen! I guess it was a pretty big game for the Aggies...it was sold out and they won. Thanks for the tickets Jody (actually she got them from the Judge in Evanston, so thanks to him too!) It was cute to see our babies together trying to grab eachother and sharing cheerios.
What a fun night!
Can you tell our kids have about had it? Little troopers! Oh and by the way you look awesome Jod! Four kids later!
How fun! Its so good to meet up with old friends again :) I can't believe how behind I was on your blog?! I am all caught up now I just wanted to say I love all your posts lately!! I bet you can't believe Ashton is 4... I still can't get over Brayden being that old now :) I really need to get caught up on my blog... or do it at all haha!
Jessica and Jody, You both still look exactly as old as you were in beauty school!!!! :-) Seriously!
Jessica's mom :)
Yes thanks to facebook and blogging it is so fun to stay in touch!! I am so glad that we could hang out.. We need to do it more often.. You are the one that looks great... I love your hair.. Your kids are adorable and you're such a great mom.. Your mom is to funny in her comment I was thinking you look the same different hair, and I have totally aged.. Oh well I guess I am 5 months older than you.. Yes come visit when your in town..
Hey also cute new header.. You're so talented...
Cute header!! Could you fix up mine.. LOL or update it... Wish we were coming to visit you today... Darn... Have a great weekend.
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