I keep thinking of lots of things I meant to post and haven't, so this is going to just be a lot of random stuff.
I forgot to ever post the rest of Ashton's swimming lesson pictures. He finished Level 1 a few weeks ago and passed, loving every minute of it!
(Can you tell? Oh and yes we DO feed him...he's just a skinny little guy still!)
I was going to sign him up for level 2, right after it ended, but didn't and am glad now since he would have missed half of it due to his stitches. Hopefully I can get him in another session in a few weeks or in the middle of the summer.
His favorite thing was getting to float around all by himself in the little floatie.
Gunnar turned 14 months old yesterday!
Time is still flying by. He is growing and changing a lot. I weighed him at my Mom's house yesterday and he's now a whopping 22 lbs! He's starting to say a few more words...please (sounds like PEEEE), ow (while scrunching up his face when he gets hurt), and I think he tries to say Ashton (which sounds like Ahhh-eeeee). His red-headed temper is starting to show itself sometimes. He throws himself on the floor and is darn near impossible to get into his carseat and to get dressed for the day...he wiggles so much and is so strong! He still adores Ashton and follows him all around trying to do or get into whatever he is doing. If possible he seems to be growing more and more attached to me and freaks out if I'm nowhere to be seen for a few minutes. I've decided we won't be going out to eat for awhile since he's really hitting that hard to take places stage. He gets so mad when I put him in a high chair he swings back and forth so much he could tip the whole thing over if I didn't hold on to it!
Yeah I'll pass on dealing with that for awhile.
He loves being outside and has discovered that it's a fun game to try to run out into the road before I can catch him. Too bad for him I'm too fast! He also loves to eat rocks and dirt and gets SO mad when we dig them out.
He gets right into the sandbox and LOVES it! 
He pretty much always has this little brown hat on (as well as sunscreen) because I'm so scared of his fair skin getting burned! He's already sprouting his first little freckles on this cute face!
Ashton just barely this spring got a few...he has such different skin than Gunnar.
He got his stitches out on Memorial Day. He did pretty good...but said it hurt a little. The skin was starting to grow over them a little. I think he'll always have a little scar there, but it's healing up pretty well.
And finally today it's been 15 years since I graduated from highschool! I can't believe that much time has passed. I'm getting old I guess!
I think they all go thru that stage of attachment about this time. Dylan never did too bad, but it will pass! Sooo cute! Did Ashton have his stitches out or did they dissolve?
Hey, Maybe we can finally get together this week. We should maybe plan something the first of the week so it doesn't get to the end and we still haven't done anything again. We are really good any day except Thurs. (it's the last day of school for Taya, she gets out early, and I am headed back out of town) What does Mon. or Tue. look like for you?
cute pics! Addy is still as attatched to me as she was as a baby, so much for a phase. Your so good to keep that hat on him, and he looks so dang cute in it!
15 years!?!?!?! yikes...(hehehe)
Gunnar is so stinking cute. Seriously this is the hardest stage for me. It is hard to do anything with our little stinkers. Thankfully they grow out of it. Your kids are the cutest.
Sorry to hear about your Grandpa.. Your in my thoughts. Your kids are both so cute!! Well anytime you want to order take out let us know!! It is impossible to eat out!! And I am craving eating out!! Like you said thank goodness they out grow it!!
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