This past Saturday we didn't have anything going on during the day, so I thought it would be fun to take the boys up to Hardware Ranch to see the Elk and go on the sleigh ride that they do up there. (Thanks for the post on your blog Angie H. reminding me it's up there...we hadn't been for years!)
When I suggested it, Ashton was actually excited to go! Usually anything that requires him putting on "real clothes" is an automatic "no, I don't want to". But as soon as we told him about where we were going he went and grabbed some of Lars' binoculars and got dressed on his own nicely! They have a lunch room there, but you have to bring your own food, so we packed a quick lunch and off we went. It was a busy day there, but luckily we only had to wait a few minutes to get on the next sleigh ride. The horses pulling it were HUGE...our guide told us that together they weighed 4300 lbs!! 
They take you out to see all of the elk (about 430 of them) up close stopping every once in awhile so the guide (or whatever you'd call him) can tell you lots of details (that I don't remember) about elk. One thing I do remember he said is that it takes the bulls as much energy to grow their antlers as it does for the females to give birth. (somehow I don't think it's quite as painful though). And they grow as much as an inch a day (the antlers).
Here's the biggest bull they have there right now...
Daddy and boys enjoying the ride (Gunnar where are you??) Oops!
I love that Ashton was looking through his binoculars at the elk that were a few feet away! Kids are so cute!
(really...can't you tell by the look on his face??) 
After our ride, we went up to the lodge and ate our lunch. As we were eating we could see all of the elk out of a big picture window and one of the guys that worked there happened to be near our table when Ashton said "Hey Mommy are all those people going on the moose ride too?" I love it! Moose, elk, whatever...The guy was amused too. I'm sure he's heard it before.
Gunnar liked this big furry buffalo...
After wandering around the lodge and taking a few more pictures it was time to head home. Anytime there's a thing like this I have to have Lars measure up to it...he always wins! He has the LONGEST arms! Of course they were longer than this bird (whatever it was) I guess I should pay more attention to details hu? I'll have to dig out the gorilla one from the zoo too..funny!
Kind of a fun winter activity to get ourselves out of the house!
1 comment:
Looks like fun!! Lars does have really long arms. You are so good at making memories and having fun with your kids... Thanks so much for calling today.. Look forward to the fly fishing trip..
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