Here he is having fun playing and eating while we wait for our plane...
And both of them together waiting...
(get used to Ashton's "Cheeese"'ll see it in almost all of our vacation pics)On the flight out I just had tons of stuff to entertain both of them, and they did fine. Everyone told me to give Gunnar benadryl, but I didn't and he still did great. We did playdough, color wonders, stickers, had snacks etc... and he only got a little wiggly at the very end. He never fell asleep since he was on my lap the whole time, but we were just relieved that we didn't have any meltdowns! Of course Ashton loved it, especially when there was any turbulence. He wanted "more bumps". After we got off the plane and put Gunnar in the stroller, he zonked out...
...and we went and got our rental car and drove to Carlsbad where we stayed for the week. That drive was kind of long because for whatever reason on a Sunday afternoon there was a ton of traffic. At one point Ashton whined "But Daaaddddyyyy...we're driving as slow as the parade cars!" Too funny! But really we were. It would have only been a 20 minute drive but turned into an hour. Oh well once we got there and the boys got to get out and play they were happy. We stayed about a block from the beach in a little rental condo that had a full kitchen...
and bedroom...
nice bathroom...
...and a fold out couch for Ashton in the living room.
We put Gunnar in with us in a pak'n'play. We loved the place we stayed at! Our first night we got settled in and walked a couple blocks and got some good mexican food, then came back and just let the boys play around the condo and went to bed.
Gunnar obviously couldn't go on too many things, but he had fun just wandering around looking at stuff and played in the water a little.
Sounds fun!! Glad you went on the roller coaster!! Vacations as a family are so fun!! Watching your kids get the giggles makes your heart happy!! Hope you had a very happy birthday!
How FUN! Jett would love Lego Land it looks so fun! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY a few days ago :)
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