First I wanted to post some funny Ashton comments from the past couple days (mostly for me to look back on later and laugh). On Friday we were getting ready to go out to the Pumpkin Walk with his preschool and as he's getting dressed he says to me "Mommy I think I'm sick." So I say "Oh really Ashton, what's wrong with you?" To which he replies in all seriousness "I think I must have caught the slime flu." I kind of laughed thinking I must have heard him wrong, so I said "What do you have?" And he said again..."the slime flu". I love it! Obviously he must be hearing all the talk and that's how he heard it.
Last night Lars was trying to help him learn how to tie his shoes. Ashton was getting pretty frustrated, but kept at it for quite awhile. So long that when he tried to stand up, his foot was asleep. So he asks Lars..."Why did my foot fall asleep? Is it really, really late?"
Funny boy!
On Sunday I went and took some pictures of Gunnar's Godmother Angie and her cute family. Don't worry I'm not going to post them all...just this one that I love.

Isn't she so cute??
wow - you are staying busy with pictures! Ashtonis full of it - he said something to me today in the car - It made me laugh - I'll tell ya later!
So cute!! Enjoy it and write it down!! Hope your doing well!! Ashton is to funny..
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