What is one of Ashton's very favorite things in the whole world??? And how excited was he when he actually got to wear them to school??? He was soooo excited to be able to wear his pajamas for their Polar Express Christmas party on Friday! He still is so obsessed with wearing his pajamas and wears them all day until it's time to go somewhere. He chose these ones that his cousin Hunter had handed down to him last weekend...(thank goodness he had them because the rest of his are starting to look like capri's on him!)

I wish I would have been able to be there to see him at school on Friday. He told me they got to have hot chocolate and cookies and got to have a pretend train ride and even got to meet Santa! And sit on his lap. He got his own "genuine ticket to ride" and little bell off of Santa's sleigh.We didn't take the boys to see Santa anwhere this year...there was a weird looking one at Walmart one day, but I decided against ruining it for them with that. Oh and I guess while we were eating lunch at Burger King one day Santa came in and talked to the kids and handed out candy canes, but I still wish I could have seen Ashton sit on his lap and tell him what he wants.
Oh well...I got to hear all about it when I picked him up. It was a perfect last day of school till after Christmas!
Those pictures of Ashton are SOO cute :-)
How fun!!! Jett has the same p.j.'s as Ashton! You have a great Christmas!!!
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