First of all...I LOVE, lOvE, LoVe Halloween...(in case you haven't noticed...)
I always have, but I think even more so now since my kids love it so much.
This year was really fun.
We love to decorate and these were some of the things we added this year... 
As soon as we got our pumpkins, Ashton said...when are we going to spray paint them Mommy??
These were the cards I made to send out to family with pictures of the boys in them...
Ashton chose the red power ranger for his costume, and when trying to decide what Gunnar should be I thought about things he loves and decided to make him an m&m costume. It fit him so well (size wise and as far as his personality) And it was nice that it could fit over anything he wore to keep him warm.
I love it on him!
I love it on him!

Yesterday was the day we celebrated. We started out decorating cookies at our church at 10:00...YUM!

Then we headed downtown to take the boys trick-or-treating at all of the stores around 11:30.
It worked out wasn't supposed to start till 1:00, but they all had their candy out, so we and a few others were the only ones. It was so nice!
(Here's my new favorite picture of Gunnar...) 
Then we met up with the Hansens for lunch at the new pizza place downtown (right next to the Rage). It was really good! Go try it out if you haven't yet. Jack's Pizza? I can't for sure remember the name.
After that it was time to get our cute little m&m home for a much needed nap.
Then we went over for our traditional Halloween chili dinner at our neighbors (BJ and Emily)'s house before we headed out to trick-or-treat again around the neighborhood.
Not long after we got home from downtown was when the rain started and by the time we were knocking on doors, it was coming down pretty good.
The boys didn't care though. This year Ashton took off with some of his buddies and we could hardly keep up with them.
I guess I never realized how popular the Power Rangers are and have been for years. He chose not to wear his mask, but everyone knew what he was!
They ran from house to house as fast as they could...
So I followed him around while Lars took Gunnar to a few close houses...
They got drenched~!
...then they went home to hand out candy. Ashton and I followed not too much later.
Here they are with their stashes...

This year we had the "Switch Witch" visit our house. The idea is that the boys go through their candy and choose their 6 or 7 favorite pieces to keep, then they leave the rest out for the switch witch, who comes while they are sleeping to exchange it for a small toy. They loved the idea and now they won't be begging for Halloween candy every day for the next few weeks...or if they do, it won't be there!
Kind of fun!
To end off the weekend, Ashton was invited by his teacher to come trick or treat at her house so we took him and Gunnar up there tonight. He was so excited after school on Friday...he told Lars that he didn't care if we went anywhere else as long as he got to trick or treat at Mrs. Coburn's house!
Happy Halloween!