He likes him, but has never been super attatched to him. But the other day he carried him around with him all day and he wanted to take him outside after his nap. He had so much fun throwing him around and pretending with him for a good hour while I took a ton of pictures.
He laughed and laughed and laughed.
These pictures make me smile :) 

It reminded me of another little photo shoot I did with Blue Bear when Gunnar was much smaller...

Incredibly cute :)
I love it! That blue is so his color with that cute red hair. Bowen still has the same stuffed animals from when he was a baby. I love that he's 7 and still cares.
so cute! I love his smile!
such cute pictures. Looks like Lars had a great hunt. Brady is jealous. What kind of camera do you have? I'm in the market for a new one- a nice one this time. I want to learn how to use an slr. Your pictures look great!!
k cutest outfit ever!!!!!!! He is such a hunk. so stinking cute!
SO very CUTE!
So stinkin cute! I love all the pics he could not be any cuter!!!
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