This week was full of milestones for Gunnar...well 2 to be exact.
I think this time I can confidently say that he is POTTY TRAINED!!!
During the day anyway...I am so so proud of him!
(and he's pretty darn proud of himself too :)
He has been doing really well for 10 days or so now. Today we even ventured out to McDonald's for lunch, then went ice-skating and his cute little Yo Gabba Gabba undies came home clean and dry!! I really kind of wanted to put a pull-up on him, but he said "No...I'm wearing undies!
Milestone 2 won't have quite as many exclamation points behind it. Okay none.
Sadly his crib tent has been removed due to it's broken was pointless to keep it on anymore :( It was a sad day. I loved the crib tent and would use one again in a heartbeat. Thanks crib tent for giving us so much more sleep the past year.
Anyway after removing it, he obviously started getting out of his crib on his own again and smacked first his nose (on the edge) one morning, then his chin the next day, then yesterday he split his bottom lip on it getting out.
That did it, a change had to be made, so we actually got to take advantage of the toddler bed feature of his convertible crib. Something we never did with Ashton because he NEVER once got out of the crib...we just moved him into his twin bed when he was 3 right before it was time to pass the crib on to Gunnar.
Needless to say Gunnar was super excited when he came home to see his "new" bed after Daddy had fixed it. (or "broken it apart" as he told me)...

I guess for me it's just one more sign that he's getting bigger.
Saying goodbye to the crib and his baby-ness is sad :(
This is pretty cute though...he will always be my baby.
But he will be 3 in two short months. Excuse me while I go cry myself to sleep.
i am silently giggling. But i would/have done the same!!! He is adorable!!! Love his freckles!!
Congrats to Gunnar on being potty trained!!!! Yippee!!!
But I am also so sad for you that he is getting bigger and bigger and growing up :((((
Sounds like you have been busy.. Congrats!! Sad for them to get big though!! Love ya girl
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