As you may remember from the time that he was really little he was our crier...he cried a lot! I remember telling someone that had asked me how he was doing when he was about 6 weeks old that I could tell he was really sensitive. Amazing how you can see their little personalities so early. He is still our sensitive the way that things get to him more and he cries easier & more often than Ashton ever did. When he doesn't want to do something or isn't getting what he wants, he'll say "If you don't let me I'll be sad (almost in tears), or "if you don't do that I'll be sad". He's also sensitive in the way that he is always so concerned about everyone else and is just a sweet boy. When he has a drink or something to eat he always asks everyone else if they want some, and lots of times he will give things up so Ashton can have them. The other morning I was laying on the couch with him and I asked Lars to get me a blanket off the other chair and before he had a chance, Gunnar jumped up and said..."I'll get it for you Mommy" and he went and grabbed it for me. All througout the day I find myself noticing how sweet he is being. He is my cuddler and I love it! I take advantage of it a lot now because I'm well aware that it could end at any time. On days that he doesn't take a nap I like to rock him to sleep at night because he's so tired. A couple mornings ago he woke up about 6:30, but I could tell he was still tired & Lars was gone to the gym, so I brought him into bed with me and he cuddled in and fell back asleep...that doesn't happen very often, so it was so sweet! Then when Ashton woke up he came and hopped in too. I cherish these last months of mornings where we don't have to get up and be anywhere most days...till next school year when Ashton will have to be up and out of the house by 9:00.
Anyway for Gunnar being such a crier he is also such a laugher! He laughs at everything. I call him a giggle bucket because he'll get laughing so uncontrollably that he starts saying "I can't stop laughing." And it doesn't take much to get him going. A few times lately when I'm being silly with him, he'll say "You are SO funny Mommy!" He laughs and laughs and laughs!
And makes the funniest faces!

Here are just a few I've managed to capture...

Just like Ashton always has, Gunnar loves to be read to. But a funny thing he does when I read to him (that makes it hard to get through a book) is he wants to talk to each character in the book and wants them to talk back to him (in different voices)! He loves to talk to his stuffed animals or any little character. Today when he opened up the Valentine's Day card from my Mom...that happened to be a fuzzy red bear...he immediately gave it a kiss, then started talking to it, expecting it to talk back. He'll even pretend that his shoes or hands are talking to eachother! It cracks me up. One day as we were waiting for Ashton after school...Gunnar was sitting in the back seat and he has one whole hand in his mouth, then takes it out and says (in a tattle-tale tone) "Mommy...these fingers aren't letting these ones (pointing to the ones on his other hand) watch the fireworks go off in my mouth." Where in the world he gets some of the crazy stuff he comes up with I don't know!
One day I took just him to story time at our library.
I used to take both of them all the time, but Ashton didn't want to go this time. Gunnar loves it. He's funny though...he sticks right next to me or on my lap the whole time where as Ashton used to wander all around and act as if I wasn't even there. Gunnar still gets shy around other people he doesn't know.
One more funny picture...
Gunnar had just gone potty and put his own undies and jammie pants back on, then came back out to play. I looked over to see this...
...and thought it was so funny!
I love that his shirt is half tucked into his underwear and Grover's little head is poking out of his pants! hee hee!
Each day with you Gunnar is like opening a new present & realizing it was exactly what I was wishing for...
I love this time in my life with you and Ashton :)
What a wonderful post! His funny faces remind me of Uncle Charlie's silly faces. I love his smile!!!
He is simply adorable :)
For the first time, I can see you in Gunnar (looks I mean) - he looks like you in these pics!! What a cutie!
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