That first week after school was out the boys started swimming lessons. This year we did them out at the Stang Aquatics Center in Hyrum. That was where Ashton took his first lessons and after our bad experience last year, we decided to go back to where we'd had a good experience and a nice teacher.They were both nervous to start...Ashton because he was pretty much terrified after last year, and Gunnar because it was his first time and because Ashton was nervous! But they got their suits on and got all ready when it was time to go and I heard Ashton reassuring Gunnar..."Don't worry Gunnar...I'm a little nervous too." :) Not gonna lie...that first day was hard. Mostly for Gunnar. He cried and I had to hide behind some lady so that he couldn't see me and come running. Ashton did fine once he got in and got used to it, but I felt so bad for scared. But they both did exactly what was asked of them and did so well! I was so proud of them that first day. They knew we were heading to McDonald's afterwards if they did well, so that's what we did. The next day was still hard for Gunnar...I think it was the day he got out and came running to me and I had to go hand him back off to his teacher crying. But each day after got easier and easier and they both ended up doing great.
They got 5 minutes of "free time" at the end of each class, so they loved that. Ashton would put on his noodle and go swim all around...
...and the little kids got to sit in this little pool with really warm water in it and play with their teacher.
Gunnar was so cute to watch...I think this is actually one of his last days and his teacher is trying so hard to get him to smile and he's doing all he can not to! Funny boy!
Anyway it was two weeks...Monday thru Thursday and we survived and they came out loving the water more than ever!

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