I'm trying to remember all we did over the 4th weekend. The fireworks here were on the 3rd, so we went up and watched them at the same spot we went last year...up on the lawn in front of Aggie Ice Cream.
A perfect view again...
It was just the 4 of us this year. The boys ate their ice cream then played with glow bracelets for about an hour before the fireworks finally started.
I never get sick of watching fireworks :)
Friday we got up and got a few things done, then got ready and went out to the parade in Hyrum at noon. Ashton and Gunnar were excited to bring their new little neighbor friend Bridger with them and we sat with his Mom and sisters.
It was hot, but always fun to see the boys get excited at a parade. And surprisingly easy to get them to forget all about the candy when we get home!
We pretty much hung out at home the rest of that day, then Lars and the boys set off lots of fireworks that night out in front of our house. I watched and did a couple sparklers...
Even Shockey got in on the action :)
Saturday was one of the funnest days of our summer so far.
We got tickets for a play over at Pickleville Playhouse in Bear Lake and went over to the show at 1:00, then spent a couple hours playing on the beach.
We stopped at the overlook on the way over and ate got to Pickleville a little before the show started.
We watched Bandito Rides Again.
I don't think any of us had laughed that hard in a long time...what a fun play! It was hilarious and so well written and acted out. Loved everything about it!
The boys have already been begging to go back and see it again.
Then we drove over to the west side of the lake and found a little spot with mostly rocks, but a little sand and the boys played for a couple hours.
We love the 4th of July!
A perfect view again...
It was just the 4 of us this year. The boys ate their ice cream then played with glow bracelets for about an hour before the fireworks finally started.
I never get sick of watching fireworks :)
Friday we got up and got a few things done, then got ready and went out to the parade in Hyrum at noon. Ashton and Gunnar were excited to bring their new little neighbor friend Bridger with them and we sat with his Mom and sisters.
It was hot, but always fun to see the boys get excited at a parade. And surprisingly easy to get them to forget all about the candy when we get home!
We pretty much hung out at home the rest of that day, then Lars and the boys set off lots of fireworks that night out in front of our house. I watched and did a couple sparklers...
Even Shockey got in on the action :)
Saturday was one of the funnest days of our summer so far.
We got tickets for a play over at Pickleville Playhouse in Bear Lake and went over to the show at 1:00, then spent a couple hours playing on the beach.
We stopped at the overlook on the way over and ate got to Pickleville a little before the show started.
We watched Bandito Rides Again.
I don't think any of us had laughed that hard in a long time...what a fun play! It was hilarious and so well written and acted out. Loved everything about it!
The boys have already been begging to go back and see it again.
Then we drove over to the west side of the lake and found a little spot with mostly rocks, but a little sand and the boys played for a couple hours.

Then we packed up and headed home and that night we did our neighborhood fireworks.
Sunday after church we pretty much stayed home all day I think...We love the 4th of July!
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