It has been so nice to have it warm up here and be able to get outside and enjoy it. We went down to the river trail last Sunday...we love to let Ashton ride his bike there and he loves to explore and stop to throw rocks in the river.
Gunnar is getting to where he wants to be down with him, but that day he had to watch from the stroller.
This is a pretty good ride too...
Here's Ashton having lunch outside with his buddy Jace yesterday...they were so excited to get to eat outside, then they buried dinosaurs in the sandbox.
All I hear about from him these days is friends, friends, friends...Luckily he has a whole street full of them to play with. This summer will be so fun for him!

All of these pictures are wearing me out Mom...gotta take a break!
(yes I have a picture addiction that drives Lars absolutely crazy!)
He looks pretty happy though right?
I love the look on his face in this picture!
Ashton taking a break...
Today we had more family pictures taken. I had a gift certificate that Lars had given me back when I was pregnant with Gunnar that was about to expire, so we finally got them done today. Who knows how they turned out. The boys weren't too cooperative.
Way too much fun stuff to get down and explore.
However I did get Gunnar's one year pictures taken yesterday (by Brittany Cascio...who took our pictures a few months ago) and I am so excited about how they turned out! I can't wait to get them back and put some on here. She did some really cute stuff and he did so good! You never know what to expect with kids and pictures, but since we let him get down and play he was loving it!
I also got these cute shots of him today on the railroad tracks after the other photographer left...
(my favorite!)

Hello.. my long lost neighbor. I'm back in the blogging world and I always love to check out your blog because it is so cute. Now that it's warmer, I will hopefully be outside a little more and we can catch up.
Oh, I love the pictures on the tracks! And I agree with you about the warm weather -- I can't wait to sit at a park in the hot sun and just watch the kids play!
I love those one you got! I hope the gift certificate was worth it! and you are gonna die when you see Gunnar's pics!! I started looking through them last night and I am so excited!! :)
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