Yesterday almost all of the snow in our yard was melted! This is what we woke up to today...
And that was only the beginning of it. It snowed non stop all day today and now we have more than a foot in our yard again. Lars measured it when he got home tonight and there were 14 new inches and it was still lightly snowing!
What was I just saying about spring and summer? ha!

And here's his cute little girlfriend Amalia...check out her cute little purple cast. She broke her leg a few weeks ago :( She's 6 weeks older than Gunnar. They are so cute together...both with their red hair!
My friend Aurora came over for dinner with her 3 kids Dante, Julius and little Amalia after we went to the park...the babies were helping us with the dishes :)
I do have to say that I am somewhat thankful for the snow today because we stayed in all day and I got A LOT done. All of my laundry is done, the whole house is clean, including the playroom that was a complete disaster!
Did I mention that I'm sick of winter???
Here are Gunnar and Ashton playing at the park just yesterday...
Ashton with his buddy Dante...
Gunnar LOVING the swing!
He was giggling most of the time while I was pushing him...
Here it is after...I should have put a before picture I guess...
I even took all of the toys in the toybox upstairs and switched them with a bunch from downstairs and it entertained the boys for a long time this afternoon.
Which was nice since Gunnar's naps were both only half an hour today! Little stinker!
Yuck, I'm with you bring on spring.. It should have snowed when it was winter... Not NOW.. Oh, well gotta love this neck of the country..Hope that your surviving and nice to have a clean house and laundry done..Come help with mine.. Cute pics of Gunnar in the swing.. Oh, dreaming of warmer weather.. Now time for more laundry
I know... just when we think the worst is over... BAM! Of course if it weren't for the snow day I wouldn't have gotten as much editing done either, so at least we were both productive and not just bummed for the fact that spring is no where in sight anymore!
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