I used to love Lagoon when I was a kid, well mostly as a teenager going with friends. I still actually remember the very first time I ever got to go. My Dad took us when I was about 10 or so and I remember being so excited that I couldn't sleep the whole night before. But then gradually over the years I've gotten to where I get horrible motion sickness on rides and really even if I swing on a swing or turn my head fast! But I knew how excited Ashton would be when I told him we were going. In fact I didn't tell him till before school that day because I knew he wouldn't quit asking when we were going if I told him any sooner.
We had so much fun! Ashton and Lindee's little girl Addy were so cute together.
Holding hands standing in line...
laughing on the rides together ...
...and Ashton even leaned back one time to help her with her seatbelt! So sweet!
It was so fun to hang out with just him for once. He LOVED all of the little rides...especially this dragon one that Lindee was nice enough to take him on twice since I really didn't want to be sick the whole night.
Thanks Lindee! Right before it started up the first time he got really nervous and started crying telling her he didn't want to do it, but it was too late and by the time it went around once he was smiling and laughing and still says it was his favorite. Besides the Terror Ride of course. That's the haunted one, and if you know Ashton and his love for anything scary...he LOVEd it.
It's actually really gory and disgusting if you've been on it and paid any attention to it. He asked if Addy could go on it with him, and Lindee and I both said no way! Most kids would have nightmares!
I think we might have to take Ashton back for Frightmares...
What a fun night!
Thanks again Lindee for inviting us and Justin for not being able to go!
How fun. I loved Lagoon as a kid too. I can't wait to take all the girls to an amusement park like that. Kayla loved the Sea World rides when we lived in Texas. Savannah was never old enought to go though. Glad you had a good date with Ashton.
P.s. Thanks for the good cry and the impending headache I have now from reading your post about your sister. Wow!! You have a way with words. What a sad story. Thanks for reminding me to be thankful for all the little moments in my children's lives.
Way fun! I would say we would join you for frigthmares but Jes and Jace would wet themselves at any sign of scary - Ashton is so awesome that way!
oh man! looking at the pictures again just brings a smile to my face. I can't wait to take Addy again! Thanks again for going with us. What a blast!
And I totally can't believe baby Gunnar is 18 months old! Crazy. I'm so glad the binkie process wasn't torture!
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