These are Gunnar's 3 favorite things lately (besides me :).
He LOVES all of them. During the day (and night for that matter) he always has to have one of his many fleece blankies with him. He calls them his "nigh-nighs" and there is always one draped around him or on his head.

And he constantly wants to be throwing a ball around. "ball, ball, ball, ball, ball!" All day long he runs around saying it.
It's so cute!
Gotta have the blankie with it...
Oh and of course anything to hit a ball with is even better!
And as I've mentioned before... he love, LoVe, LOVES his binkies. He only gets to have them during naps and at night, but he's gotten to the point where he gets really mad when I won't let him take them out of his crib when he wakes up. I can usually distract him so that he forgets about it, but if anything upsets him during the day, he runs back to his room saying "Bee, bee, bee!" and tries to get them out of his crib. He's gotten SO attached! And to think my kids were never going to have binkies! ha! Ashton never had one, so that was one habit I didn't have to break with him, but now I can honestly see how there are 4 year olds out there walking around with them! Okay not really...that drives me crazy, but it is going to be SO HARD to take them away from him. He loves them so much that he honestly giggles when I put it in his mouth when he goes to bed.
I will be so sad for him when he can't have them anymore. Ashton's favorite thing has always been his Lovey and I don't feel like I have to take it away, so I feel bad that I have to take Gunnar's away. But I know that I need to do it soon. He also cries out in the night now if it falls out and he can't find it.
That is what is going to motivate me to do it SLEEP (or lack of it, I should say)! I know I need to do it, but don't really know how. Anyone have any advice?
jess i have never had to deal with it my boys hated them, but i heard about one lady cutting a little off at a time until there was nothing left and by that time it had been weeks so they just didn't want to suck on it anymore because it made it to hard. make sense? it might work. don't know. i hate having to do transitions.
You will know when he is ready to get rid of it and until then he just can't have it all the time! Your a great mom - you will figure it out!
You might just have to bite the bullet and just take it cold turkey. Dylan seemed to give his up on his own when he was turned 1. I don't remember it ever being a fight. But the sooner the better -or you may have a real fight on your hands.
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