So then while we're in Evanston he got up at like 5:15 every morning (so fun), so I took him upstairs one of the mornings and tried to get him to quietly play with toys while I laid back down on the couch. So he found this little thing that must have come off of a cake at some was little balls that were supposed to be balloons and anyway he sat and plucked all of the balls off of it and when Lars came upstairs and asked him what he did...he says (as I'm half asleep)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wow they learn fast...
After he got my floss out of my drawer and strung it all out, I say to him "Oh Gunnar...what did you do?" To which he replies "Aggie did it." I couldn't believe it! He already knows to blame stuff on his big brother???
Sneaky little guy...
"Mommy did it."
Little stinker!
Some of his other sayings this past week:
"Good job Aggie!" He loves to say this whenever Ashton does something we ask him to.
Everytime I give him his milk he asks me "Chaw Chock?" Which translated means..."Is it chocolate?"
And of course he loves "chaw chock chips". I had to bribe him with them to get his haircut done last night...I always remember Ashton for a long time called chocolate "choclick."
These days of having little kids is the best...I think I'll freeze them just how they are.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
A few days late....
We went to Wyoming for Thanksgiving this year. We got there on Wednesday afternoon and came home yesterday. It was fun to go relax at Grandma and Grandpa Harry's house for a few days. The boys love going there and somehow stay completely entertained just running around their house playing with all of the old toys that my Mom kept from when my brothers, and sister and I were little. Their favorite game this time was "throw nerfals at Grandma while she's pretending to be sleeping." Anybody remember nerfals? (little round ball heads that you can put hats, pants on etc...) I don't even know if that's how you spell it, but they love them! 
Oh and they loved this little kitten that Grandma brought in for them for a minute to pet...
...then Grandma pulled the boys around in her sled.
My aunt Kathleen who lives in Zuni, New Mexico was able to drive out for a few it was fun to get to see her.
My Mom made her fabulous Thanksgiving dinner which consisted of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes & gravy, deviled eggs, green bean casserole, rolls, jello salad, cranberry sauce and pumpkin and chocolate pie. It was SO good Mom! Thank you for cooking for us :)
Ashton's favorite thing was the "orange part of the turkey" (the skin...lovely). Gunnar mostly wanted to eat the green bean casserole. Funny boys...

Friday...after being lazy at my Mom's most of the day, we went into town and went bowling.Gunnar even got to try :)...
Then yesterday we got up and got our stuff packed up and headed home. It was nice to get away for a few days!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
My new Camera!!!!
Merry Christmas (a little early), Happy New Year, Happy Anniversary, Valentines Day, Mother's Day, Birthday and every other holiday for the next year TO ME! The camera I have been wanting was on sale, so I went and got it a couple weeks ago. I got a Nikon D90 Digital SLR. I'm so so excited and so thankful for my gift! I can't wait to learn how to use it and it really will get used so much.
Thank you hunnie!!
While Ashton was in school on Friday, my friend/photographer Brittany and I took our kids and cameras out and had some fun taking some pictures. Brittany used to have the D80 which is basically what the D90 is now, so she is showing me how to use it! So so helpful.
Thanks Brittany!! (wow do I have a LOT to learn)

(I know everyone probably gets sick of ALL of the pictures I post, but it is what I LOVE to do and I know the grandparents enjoy them!)
My cute little model for the day :)

This one is Ashton's favorite :) He laughed and laughed at it when I showed him...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Lucky Lars...
Last Saturday night Lars got invited to go to the Ducks Unlimited Banquet with my friend Aurora's husband Gio. He's not really a duck hunter, but he accepted anyway and was glad for the night out. I guess they just have a dinner, auction and sell raffle tickets and give out prizes etc...
To get raffle tickets for a lot of the drawings it was pretty pricey, but there was the "Wing Span" table, where for $10 you could go get as many tickets as your wingspan was long. Does that make sense? Well anyway we all know that Lars has about a 7 foot wingspan...(he has some LONG arms!)
Just a little proof...(those are gorilla arms he's standing next to!)
(Fun for this contest, but not for shopping....sleeves are never long enough!)Anyway he got a lot of tickets for his $10...and the guy that was measuring them out even threw in a couple extra at the end. But when he went to throw them in the bucket, he said there were already tons in there, so he figured he really had no chance of winning.
He didn't really want to stick around for the drawings, so he left his tickets with another friend that happened to be there and told him to call him if he won anything. So sure enough about 10:30 the the phone rings and it's his friend calling to tell him that the very last ticket on his string of tickets got drawn for a really nice Benelli shotgun! He looked it up on the internet and found it's worth about $500! Mr. Lucky... Way to go deserve it!
Oh and I'm glad your long arms finally paid off. (I mean more than the usual reaching things for me from across the room :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
What's new...
I've been such a slacker blogger this past week. Not much to post about, but also just busy I guess. I think we actually did end up with one of the flu's going around. Not sure what exactly, but it lasted almost 2 weeks for some of us and the kids had fevers and bad coughs etc...but now we're finally back to normal. Unfortunately we passed it on to Grandma (sorry Mom!). She came down last Friday night to watch the boys while we went to our church's Casino night.
Lars was in charge of the poker room and I went along for a night out with him and played in his poker tournaments. It was at the country club this year and was pretty fun. I took second in a tournament and won a coupon for a pizza...and he actually won me a digital photo frame! (better than nothing right??). Anyway the boys had lots of fun with Grandma. They made frozen chocolate covered bananas...
...danced and I'm not sure what all else. But she must have really made an impression on Gunnar because he's been talking about her all week! He says "Grandma" so clearly now. We were in the car one day this week and I hear him in the backseat kind of murmuring to himself..."Grandma cookies" over and over! She stayed Friday night and watched them for a little while Saturday morning while we went shopping and they made ginger snaps together.
Anyway thanks again Mom and sorry we gave you whatever we had!
Saturday afternoon we attempted getting some family pictures taken. I say attempted because it was kind of a nightmare. I guess I should have just rescheduled after Gunnar had been up almost the whole night before, but I really just wanted to get them done. He on the other hand wanted NOTHING to do with it. I thougth he was starting to feel better, but I was wrong. He was completely not himself and didn't smile once! So we decided we'll try again another day. Thanks for being patient Brittany! Next time has to be better right?
What else??? Oh here's some of Ashton's latest...One day at school last week they had the fire department there when I went to pick him up. He's been on a firetruck twice actually and loved it before, but this particular day he was standing as far away from it as he could just waiting for me to come get him. He didn't want anything to do with it and when I got him in the car and started asking him about it, he started asking all sorts of questions about "what if our house burns down?" and "how would we get out?" and "what will happen to all of our stuff?" etc....So this time around with his little mind that never stops thinking, he started to realize that if there are firetrucks, there must be fires and what if one happens at OUR HOUSE? He was really almost in tears and over the course of the following few days all day long he would come up to me so scared asking all the questions over again. Poor kid! So I just did my best to explain to him that most likely it would never happen to us, but that if it did we'd just get out as fast as we could and the only important things were him, Gunnar, Mommy and Daddy...stuff is always replaceable. The questions have kind of subsided for now, but get what he said when I asked him what he was thankful for yesterday...In his exact words "I'm thankful that part of our house is cement so that at least it wouldn't burn if the rest of the house burned down." Not quite what I expected, but that's Ashton! I told him that we were going to start saying what we're thankful for everyday.
The first day I asked him and he said "My brother." :)
Speaking of Gunnar...something has really clicked in his little head this past week...he repeats everything we say! It's so fun!
One day this past week I spent about 6 hours cleaning out and organizing the distaster that our toyroom has become. I think my Mom must have been horrified at the state it was in when she came. I never remember to take a before picture, but just imagine that you couldn't even see the floor!
So I went and got some new drawers and got to work
("serious clean-up" Ashton called it).
(it felt so good to get SO organized!)
Luckily Ashton had a friend over for a few hours to entertain him so I could actually get rid of some stuff! (2 garbage bags full to be exact). It really made me think...we just have way too many toys in this house!!!
Last night I finally watched Twilight for the first time. I read the book over the summer and thought it was pretty good, not the best book I've ever read, but okay. But I really liked the movie and have started the second book New Moon, so now I'm completely getting sucked in and am trying to get the book read in the next 6 days before the new movie comes out! So I may not be on here much the next few days. I'm off to read!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Okay I don't really have anything to post about...not too much going on at our house this week, but I do love this picture of Gunnar's eyelashes...
I just love this little face!
He was so cute today...he's becoming such a little parrot repeating everything we say. All day he kept saying "Tay-too Mommy". (Thank you Mommy :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A little sick and a lot silly...
We've done pretty well so far to not catch any major sickness at our house, but yesterday Ashton started running a fever and felt pretty miserable right before lunch, so I kept him home from school. As I've said before I really hate it when my kids are sick (as we all do), but when it comes to Ashton, it is the ONLY time he really sits still. This is not something I see very often in my house...
I put Gunnar down for his nap and asked Ashton if he wanted to go watch a movie with me in my bed. After we'd been in there for about 5 minutes he told me the noise of the tv was bugging him, so could I please turn it off. Then we all slept for about 2 hours! HEAVEN...sorry it never happens anymore (and you all know how I love my sleep!)
The rest of the day he still laid around a lot and said his brain and belly were hurting him. Today he was better off and on. During his on times, he felt plenty good enough to play (and fight) with Gunnar. But then he'd go lay on the couch again. Gunnar took that as a perfect opportunity to pester him to no end.
(look at that sneaky little face!)
I think he thought he should get in some good punches while he was down and defenseless finally! He had Ashton in tears a couple times. You know what they say about payback!
Poor Aggie!
We have started calling him that more and more right along with Gunnar...I think it's so cute!
Anyway by tonight Ashton seems to be doing much better and hasn't had a fever all day. Hopefully he'll be back to school tomorrow.
Now for the silly...
I had these black pipe cleaners sitting on the counter and Ashton remembered a long time ago that we had made him some glasses out of some, so of course he wanted some more.
And whatever Ashton has...
Isn't this picture hilarious?? hee hee! I love it!
Of course Ashton also wants Lars to have whatever he has...
(Don't worry...I cropped you out hun :)(I think a lot of husbands live in fear of what their wives are going to post on their I decided to be nice).
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