We've done pretty well so far to not catch any major sickness at our house, but yesterday Ashton started running a fever and felt pretty miserable right before lunch, so I kept him home from school. As I've said before I really hate it when my kids are sick (as we all do), but when it comes to Ashton, it is the ONLY time he really sits still. This is not something I see very often in my house...
I put Gunnar down for his nap and asked Ashton if he wanted to go watch a movie with me in my bed. After we'd been in there for about 5 minutes he told me the noise of the tv was bugging him, so could I please turn it off. Then we all slept for about 2 hours! HEAVEN...sorry it never happens anymore (and you all know how I love my sleep!)
The rest of the day he still laid around a lot and said his brain and belly were hurting him. Today he was better off and on. During his on times, he felt plenty good enough to play (and fight) with Gunnar. But then he'd go lay on the couch again. Gunnar took that as a perfect opportunity to pester him to no end.
(look at that sneaky little face!)
I think he thought he should get in some good punches while he was down and defenseless finally! He had Ashton in tears a couple times. You know what they say about payback!
Poor Aggie!
We have started calling him that more and more right along with Gunnar...I think it's so cute!
Anyway by tonight Ashton seems to be doing much better and hasn't had a fever all day. Hopefully he'll be back to school tomorrow.
Now for the silly...
I had these black pipe cleaners sitting on the counter and Ashton remembered a long time ago that we had made him some glasses out of some, so of course he wanted some more.
And whatever Ashton has...
Isn't this picture hilarious?? hee hee! I love it!
Of course Ashton also wants Lars to have whatever he has...
(Don't worry...I cropped you out hun :)(I think a lot of husbands live in fear of what their wives are going to post on their blogs...so I decided to be nice).
Those glasses are hilarious. What simple fun for the boys. But come on.... we want to see the whole picture. Gunnar, Ashton AND Lars!!! The boys have to know that if they are going to leave us home all day long with the little ones, we have to have some way of getting back at them. A blog picture seems to be quite harmless (especially when everyone is in full clothing, not drinking, or sick!!) Come on... peer pressure being sent your way...!
I am going to send some peer pressure too. I would love to see a funny picture of Lars with pipe cleaner glasses. I have seen him with the 3-D glasses for 4th of July... how can these be worse?
SO sorry Ashton is sick..Hopefully he will recover and stay recovered.. Being sick is not fun and moms lose a lot of sleep... worrying.. good luck with that. Glad you had a nap.. The kids look cute in their glasses.. Put LARS picture up.. Your to nice!! Sending our prayers your way for healthy kids.
cutest little nerds ever. They look so stinking cute. And yes i will agree with you abou the husband thing. Having a blog can tern into great blackmail!!!! (when it comes to getting blake to do things for me)
No way! I want to see Lars's glasses!! So funny! Too bad Ashton was sick. We were all like that last week. We all had the stomach flu and we were quite a site all laying on the couch and floor with buckets by us. It sucks to be sick.
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