I've been such a slacker blogger this past week. Not much to post about, but also just busy I guess. I think we actually did end up with one of the flu's going around. Not sure what exactly, but it lasted almost 2 weeks for some of us and the kids had fevers and bad coughs etc...but now we're finally back to normal. Unfortunately we passed it on to Grandma (sorry Mom!). She came down last Friday night to watch the boys while we went to our church's Casino night.
Lars was in charge of the poker room and I went along for a night out with him and played in his poker tournaments. It was at the country club this year and was pretty fun. I took second in a tournament and won a coupon for a pizza...and he actually won me a digital photo frame! (better than nothing right??). Anyway the boys had lots of fun with Grandma. They made frozen chocolate covered bananas...
...danced and I'm not sure what all else. But she must have really made an impression on Gunnar because he's been talking about her all week! He says "Grandma" so clearly now. We were in the car one day this week and I hear him in the backseat kind of murmuring to himself..."Grandma cookies" over and over! She stayed Friday night and watched them for a little while Saturday morning while we went shopping and they made ginger snaps together.
Anyway thanks again Mom and sorry we gave you whatever we had!
Saturday afternoon we attempted getting some family pictures taken. I say attempted because it was kind of a nightmare. I guess I should have just rescheduled after Gunnar had been up almost the whole night before, but I really just wanted to get them done. He on the other hand wanted NOTHING to do with it. I thougth he was starting to feel better, but I was wrong. He was completely not himself and didn't smile once! So we decided we'll try again another day. Thanks for being patient Brittany! Next time has to be better right?
What else??? Oh here's some of Ashton's latest...One day at school last week they had the fire department there when I went to pick him up. He's been on a firetruck twice actually and loved it before, but this particular day he was standing as far away from it as he could just waiting for me to come get him. He didn't want anything to do with it and when I got him in the car and started asking him about it, he started asking all sorts of questions about "what if our house burns down?" and "how would we get out?" and "what will happen to all of our stuff?" etc....So this time around with his little mind that never stops thinking, he started to realize that if there are firetrucks, there must be fires and what if one happens at OUR HOUSE? He was really almost in tears and over the course of the following few days all day long he would come up to me so scared asking all the questions over again. Poor kid! So I just did my best to explain to him that most likely it would never happen to us, but that if it did we'd just get out as fast as we could and the only important things were him, Gunnar, Mommy and Daddy...stuff is always replaceable. The questions have kind of subsided for now, but get what he said when I asked him what he was thankful for yesterday...In his exact words "I'm thankful that part of our house is cement so that at least it wouldn't burn if the rest of the house burned down." Not quite what I expected, but that's Ashton! I told him that we were going to start saying what we're thankful for everyday.
The first day I asked him and he said "My brother." :)
Speaking of Gunnar...something has really clicked in his little head this past week...he repeats everything we say! It's so fun!
One day this past week I spent about 6 hours cleaning out and organizing the distaster that our toyroom has become. I think my Mom must have been horrified at the state it was in when she came. I never remember to take a before picture, but just imagine that you couldn't even see the floor!
So I went and got some new drawers and got to work
("serious clean-up" Ashton called it).
(it felt so good to get SO organized!)
Luckily Ashton had a friend over for a few hours to entertain him so I could actually get rid of some stuff! (2 garbage bags full to be exact). It really made me think...we just have way too many toys in this house!!!
Last night I finally watched Twilight for the first time. I read the book over the summer and thought it was pretty good, not the best book I've ever read, but okay. But I really liked the movie and have started the second book New Moon, so now I'm completely getting sucked in and am trying to get the book read in the next 6 days before the new movie comes out! So I may not be on here much the next few days. I'm off to read!!
Jessica, I had a lot of fun with Ashton and Gunnar and I was not horrified at the toy room. :-) I remember how hard it was to keep our big toy room cleaned up years ago when I used to do daycare!!
That picture of you and Lars before you left turned out really cute I think too :-)
I hope your not reading this becasue if you are that means your not reading New Moon and you need to go with us in a week! :)
How fun to have your mom come hang out.. SO SORRY you have all been sick.. Not fun. It's fun to have such great moms make such fun memories with our kids.. Sorry the pictures didn't turn out..I bet you will have some cute ones though.. Glad you had a date night with Lars.. Can you come help me organize? Hopefully it will get better after the basement is finished.. Call me in town when your here for Thanksgiving. We will be gone that day to Utah,but then home after that.. Take Care and enjoy your reading!!
By the way your thanks sign is so stinking cute.. Here it is winter again and we still never met.. darn
I wish our church had a poker night! :) That's why I take it upon myself to have our own! I love poker, and I always do well at home games! Very cute picture of you both, and I love the craft! Sounds fun!
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