Yes you really are on the Larsens blog, and yes you read the title of this post correctly. You all know about my love of animals and today my dream of owning one came true. As I was standing at my sink tonight cutting up strawberries, I glanced out my window and saw this little face staring up at me!
So naturally I screamed "Oh my gosh, there's a turtle in our yard!" So I dropped what I was doing and of course grabbed my camera and told the boys to run outside to see the turtle. Now when you think of turtles, don't you think of slow little animals? Well not this little guy...he was pretty speedy and seemed to want to quickly escape the hands of two little boys.
So they of course found a way to trap him...
It was just so random for a turtle to be wandering through our yard, and Lars was gone fishing all day, so I told Ashton to go tell Kent and Debbie (our neighbors) that we had a turtle in our yard. We had just been talking to them and they let us borrow their slip n' slide... anyway they came out to see the turtle and I was hoping they could help us decide what to do with him. First they suggested we just keep him (ha!), then we all wondered if it was someone's pet that had escaped, so we asked around a little then we decided to go release him into the creek that runs behind the houses across the street from us. Well when we got over there, we decided against that figuring that he may not survive and decided that Kent (who happens to be the bishop in our neighborhood) would just announce it at church tomorrow in case the turtle is anyone's pet, or in case anyone wants him, then if not we'll go see if the little Willow Park Zoo wants to adopt him on Monday.
Needless to say Ashton and Gunnar were in heaven playing with their new little friend for about 2 hours!
Ashton was so cute saying..."okay, so he's mine until Monday right?", then
excitedly telling a couple of his little friends that he has a pet turtle.
They named him Yoshi and we've got him in a big rubbermaid bin in the garage for now. Hopefully he'll survive a couple days in our care. Kent went home and looked him up on the internet to try to see what type of turtle he is (look at me assuming he's a boy)...and he came back and said that he thinks he's a chicken turtle and the reason they're called that is because people used to eat them and they tasted like chicken!
hmmm...I guess if Willow Park doesn't want him...
Just Kidding!
Aunt Kelli had a turtle when we were growing up, so she told us to feed him lettuce and corn...
So here is our (temporary) pet for 2 days.
The best kind in my book :) 
You had me convinced for a moment!! LOL!! I thought the boys had you talked into getting a dog!! A turtle for a couple of days will bring the boys lots of fun.. Maybe it will last longer! You might become attached!! Already almost kissing on the first day must mean a lifetime of happiness at the Larsen home!!
Haha Jody! Wait till you hear the update :)
too funny! I knew it was too good to be true that you would actually have a pet of your own! Agh well.. a couple days of fun for the boys is better than nothing, right! Enjoy.
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