Saturday we hung out and listened to Ashton ask over and over all day long when it would ever be time to light our own fireworks. Honestly it is like Christmas or Halloween at our house on the 4th. Ashton is passionate about fireworks (and Gunnar is following closely in his footsteps)! So finally about 8:30 even though it was no where near dark, Lars got the show on the road. Within minutes 4 or 5 of the little neighbor boys came running and the fun began. I guess Lars thought 5 was a good age to start letting Ashton light his own fireworks (under direct supervision of course),
Anyway they were all in heaven!
I think everyone should experience the 4th of July in Evanston just once. It really is a sight to behold! Fireworks are one of the main things my home town is known for, so after we arrived and hung out at my Uncle's house (formerly my Grandpa's house), we made our trip to one of the 4 huge fireworks stores and got our stash. Very small in comparison to the amount some people in there were buying. Crazy how much money is spent on fireworks there!
Ahhh...the look of awe and wonder in a young boy's eyes while watching fireworks...
hahaha! Yes I think I'm funny!
It's actually the first one all these years that I've seen be born.
(Gunnar too with his sparklers :)
We stayed up till after 10:00 that night lighting away. Finishing off with this for our finale'.
Sunday after church we made our trip to Evanston which really should be called...
Ashton was SO excited!
So after going out to Grandma & Grandpa's house to relax for a little while and have dinner, we headed back into town for more fireworks. Poor Gunnar had started feeling sick actually Saturday night, just a fever and not feeling well. Well after we got out to the house he puked all over and finally zonked out.
After a little more ibuprofen he perked up some, so we went back to town. We went over to a park by my Uncle's house and he and his clan came over and we spent about an hour setting off all of our fireworks.
Again...heaven for Ashton.
All Gunnar wanted to do was sit with me and watch...poor guy.
Then it got dark and we watched the city's fireworks. It's honestly almost hard to tell which ones are the city's though because every way you look people are setting off fireworks as big as the city ones!
And it goes into all hours of the night. Not for us of course...we headed home after the city show was over.
Another late night...but so fun!
Monday Gunnar started to feel a little better and we were all lucky enough to get to watch one of my Mom's little horses have her baby!
My Mom had been watching Cherub close all weekend and that morning when she laid down we knew it would happen quick, so we grabbed the boys and ran outside and got there just in time...
Here's Gunnar petting her right after she took her first little steps :)
My Mom named her HHH Cherubs Golden Halo....or "Halo".
Isn't she cute?
We headed home that afternoon, stopped off in Bear Lake for a shake, then believe it or not after unpacking we lit off MORE FIREWORKS! I think Lars was glad when they were finally gone!
Our little pyro...
Oh and our little sicko...

I love the boyish look in Lars' eyes while watching the fireworks - lol! hilarious! Cute pics though - glad you guys had fun!
I love all of the pictures! I swear my kiddos always seem to get sick on the holidays! And that sucks! I hope he is feeling better! He is just to cute to be sick! And the little foal is soooo cute! Of course I had to show Tylie, she loved your pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Hey.. PYRO CITY!! That is a little bit much!! HAHA!You must think it's BIG TIME since you came back to watch!! Sorry we didn't get to hang out!! It looks like you had a wonderful time! Your pictures are great! One of these days we will meet up..! Maybe when were ninety and we will be sitting around in rocking chairs at the old folks home watching fireworks in "PYRO CITY"! Glad Gunnar is doing better, and what little boys and BIG boys aren't Pyro's?
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