It's been awhile since I just wrote down some everyday stuff that I don't want to forget...
I'll start with Ashton's latest. A few days ago I was trying to get him to get dressed and he didn't want to, so he got mad at me and went and grabbed his little notebook and put Gunnar and me on the "NOTTEEi list".
I love it!
Classic Ashton...he cracks me up! I love how he spelled it and put the little lines on top of his e's like he's been learning to do in school.
Cute :)
He is learning so much at school right now and he was so cute in his little Christmas program on Friday. I still need to get the pictures off my camera...
After that first big snow we had lots of days of playing outside in it. He and his friends had a blast on the little sledding hill in our backyard.
Moving on to Gunnar.
Oh Gunnar.He is so stubborn!! And such a little smartie pants.
One morning he was sitting in the living room throwing his (dry) frosted mini wheats all over the floor, so I said "Please don't do that Gunnar." To which he replied "Then just don't watch me Mommy."!
One day I walked past our front door and windows and saw this...
(He wanted his little friends to be able to look out.)
Getting him dressed or brushing his teeth is a wrestling match. He is so strong!
He still gets up way too early...lots of days at 5:30! I mean really...who gets up that early? About half the time I just go lay on the couch and turn a show on for him. Some days I am slightly thankful he gets me up that early because I get out for a walk/run before Ashton ever gets up and before Lars goes to work. One day this week we even went grocery shopping at 6:30 am!
There is no getting him to go back to's like he gets his 8 or so hours and is done. I could use it is hard! Oh well...he's so worth it...and he makes up for it with his 2 1/2 -3 hour naps. I usually have to wake him up when it's time to go get Ashton...and he is NOT happy to have to get up and go out in the cold. Can't blame him.
I love how he still can't say his k's or c's...they're t's and his G's are still D's. I gave him a sucker the other day and it was "totton tandy" And he is still Dunnar :) He talks a lot these days about Twissmas & Twesents, and as he's joking about something says "just tiddin'." Oh and we can't forget "Tootie Monster" He loves him lately! That's the only book he wants to read and he loves it when I talk in my cookie monster voice. (sorry it's just for don't ask)
He and Ashton have been playing pretty good together lately. A lot of days Ashton would rather stay home and play with him than go to a friends. I love to see that! They love to turn on music LOUD and dance. Their favorite lately is a Christmas song called "Aye, aye, aye it's Christmas" By Enrique Iglesias. I love it when they laugh together.
We swear that Gunnar is going to be a gymnast...his little body is always moving around, doing summersaults, standing on his head.
And he can bend his back so far back that he can touch his head to his toes. He's always done that. I think I'll definitely put him in gymanstics when he's 3.
We're trying to think of something to put Ashton in...but everything we suggest he shoots down. I think something musical will be our next choice.
Oh another comment of Ashton's I don't want to forget. One day he said "Wait... how come time flies if the earth spins really, really slowly?"
Can't believe it's only 6 days till will be so fun this year. These boys are so excited they can hardly stand it! Ashton made this cute tree for a little school project...
He loves stuff like this.
In other news...Lars and I went to an Aggie game last week with some friends. As I've probably said before I just really can't concentrate on the games and it was a pretty boring one anyway, so Shelly and I just talked the whole time (which is really why I wanted to go because she and I never get a chance to just sit down and talk) So we hardly noticed when some guy came up and asked us if we were going to be sitting in our seats for the whole game. We said yes and went on with our conversation. Then as it gets to almost the end of the game Shelly's husband notices Big Blue standing right next to us with a camera following him and he says "Oh I bet one of you is sitting in the hot seat and you're gonna be on the big screen!" So sure enough a few minutes later Big Blue comes up to us and first gives Shelly a prize, then realizes it's actually me who was sitting the hot seat for the game! So she passes me the t-shirt and a certificate for 3 months membership to the Sports Academy! All while we're up on the Jumbo Tron! It was fun! Of course I'm not going to drive across town to go to the Sports Academy...I wish it was on our end of town! But my sister gladly claimed it when we got home. It was still fun to be picked to win!
Oh and to clarify... I love my new organized laundry room, but this is my real happy place :)
What a SWEET picture! Your boys are darling! So glad you are all happy and ready for Christmas! Hope that you have a WONDERFUL one! Can't wait to read about it!
Too cute - great journaling - come over and catch me up!!
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