One night I told him to go pick some books and get in bed so that I could read to him and he asked me if he could just read to Gunnar instead.
So he sat there and read him 4 was so cute!
I love to read, so I really hope that as he gets older he continues to love it too!
Yay what a great big brother!!!
I LOVE these pictures!! And I am not surprised that he is reading. :)
It is wonderful to see them reading isn't it! Ethan loves to read as well and gets mad when we try to read the books instead (you know, when bedtime is already passed and we want to get through them just a wee-bit faster). But it's amazing to see them learning and growing so fast! Keep going Ashton, before you know it you'll be reading 400 page novels!
AWESOME!! How exciting to watch them be so SMART!
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