Considering Gunnar's love of Cookie Monster...I was so excited to make these for his birthday...
I think they're so fun!
And he loved them! He helped me bake them in the morning...
...then luckily he took a good nap that day so I had a chance to decorate them. And it took the entire 2 hours that he was asleep. Squirting on all that fur was time consuming! When he got up from his nap he was so excited to see them all done and loved that his eyeballs were chocolate chips!
Lars brought home pizza for dinner, then we had Gunnar's party. He'd been waiting and waiting for March 28th to come, so he was excited when it was finally party time. He of course wanted to open presents first...and luckily didn't mind that Ashton pretty much opened them for him all the while saying "I'm just helping him."

He got lots of fun new toys, but the one he couldn't wait to dive into (from Grandma and Grandpa Harry) was the Moon Dough.
It is weird stuff...but all the kids loved it!
Then it was time for our one game...Pin the Cookie in Cookie Monster's Mouth (so original I know).
Gunnar didn't want anything to do with it and I think the rest of the kids could see out of the blindfold. Oh looked cute on the door!
Finally time for cupcakes!
I love when we all sing Happy Birthday to Gunnar...he gets so shy :)
He loves blowing out the candles though...
Then we got to dig into these guys...and man were they MESSY! All that fur just crumbled everywhere.
But what is a birthday party without a mess!
As I always say...time is just going way too fast. I find myself thinking...No! He just can't be 3 already!
Some of the things we love about Gunnar at this age...
His happy, fun, silly personality that keeps us all entertained.
His sweet smile, adorable freckles and cute red hair that everyone, everywhere comments on!
The cute way he talks and all the funny things he comes up with everyday.
The way he adores his big brother and tries to please him & of course copies everything he does.
How he pretends with everything and especially how he talks to all of his stuffed animals and makes up voices now of them talking back to him.
How he is still so snuggly.
His sweet sensitive side...always worrying about everyone else.
His love of dancing and music.
I guess I could go on and on...
Happy Birthday little boy! We love you so much!