Two things I can't not blog much time is spent doing them at our house! Ashton loves legos and Gunnar has even started to really sit down and build with them lately... 
I love to see them getting creative :)
They also spend a good part of their time dancing! They get out their little cd players & put in their silly cds that Lars made for them, then... dance, dance, dance! It is so entertaining...Lars and I can't help but join in lots of times :) be a kid and dance like no one's watching :)
Love the fun times with simple things! We get into Legos here too and Ethan is finally building things from his imagination rather than wanting to follow directions to put something together.
Dancing.... you go girl. Be the dancing queen that we all know you are. If nothing else, your boys will think you're the coolest Mom EVER!!
You know you do a little shakin it of your own!!! Thanks for sharing some of that awesome dance music with us!
I LOVE those dancing pix!! Adorable!
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