Well Ashton's 2 bottom teeth have been wiggly for about 6 weeks or so and Friday morning one of them was really wiggly. So all morning Ashton wiggled it and wiggled it until it started to drive him crazy. He kept having me check it to see if I thought it was ready to come out (which I did), but when I would tell him to just yank it out, he would freak out and say "No! Maybe it's not ready!" But then 2 minutes later "I think it's ready to come out." "But what if it hurts really bad??" This went on the entire time I was in the bathroom trying to get ready for the day. Back and forth and back and forth. Ready, or not. Then came the crying and worrying. Finally I told him to just try to leave it alone for awhile since it was time to eat lunch and get ready for school. But when it came time to eat, it hurt so bad when he tried to take a bite that he couldn't eat. So I finally said "Okay Ashton, I'm going to give it one good pull and if it doesn't come out, I'll make you a smoothie for lunch, but if it does you'll be happy and you can eat your lunch!" So that is what we did. (After I calmed him down about 5 times). Finally he let me get in there and pull on it and it almost came out and was bleeding pretty good, so he reached in and tried to get it, but couldn't so I grabbed a kleenex and grabbed onto it with it and gave it one last pull and it came out!!
He was SO SO excited!!
He could not stop smiling. It reminded me exactly of this moment....(First time riding with no training wheels :)
And this moment...(first time tying his own shoes)
I love how excited he gets!
Oh and I forgot to say he ate this whole apple that morning in the hopes that it would make it fall out!
He couldn't wait to get to school and show his friends that he'd lost one and put it on the "Lost tooth Chart"! Also to show Lars when he got home and finally to put his first tooth under his pillow for the tooth fairy! I love his little note he wrote to go with it and how carefully he placed it just where he wanted it.
Oh and how excited he was the next morning to find it replaced with a dollar!!
Oh and I forgot to say he ate this whole apple that morning in the hopes that it would make it fall out!
I agree! Very very exciting time for Ashton! :)
Wow! Thanks for the invite, Jessica! This blog is priceless. Why haven't you been doing my class blog for me? Notice how far behind I am and how many posts I need to do to get caught up. Don't hold you breath, but someday soon . . . hopefully. I love this boy's enthusiasm, and I'm so impressed how you've captured it! That tooth experience has been delightful. Two are now gone and he couldn't be more proud! How fun! Just think, only 18 more to go!
how fun! I LOVE the "first time with now training wheels" pic! It brought the biggest smile to my face!
Wow! The tooth fairy sure has kept up with inflation... I think I only got a quarter. Congrats to Ashton. He will be the coolest kid at school (if he isn't already!)
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