Well most of you know by now that Lars completely tore his achilles tendon about 2 1/2 weeks ago playing city league basketball. It was a late game and he came down from making a shot and heard and felt a pop and it knocked him to the ground. After first thinking he just rolled his ankle, then trying to get up and walk off the court and not being able to, he knew immediately what he'd done. He got himself to the emergency room that night and they confirmed it, then put a splint on it and wrapped it and he had to wait a week till he could have surgery to repair it. He had it done on Wednesday the 4th . The surgery went really well. It was like he thought, completely torn...but it's a really straighforward surgery and only took about an hour. The part Lars had a hard time with was coming out of the anesthesia. It took FOREVER! He got out of surgery at 2:45 I think and we didn't get home till close to 9:00! And now the really hard part has begun. Recovery is said to take between 6 and 8 months!!!! He can't put any weight on it for 6 weeks! And really has to have it elevated and being iced a lot these first couple weeks. I have to say that this is going to be rough. We all know that Lars does not sit around well! And just as the weather is getting nice. Luckily he has the best boss ever and he's letting him work from home rather than go on short term disability. Then hopefully after these first couple weeks he'll be able to start going in at least part time. For now we'll be seeing a lot of this...
He's gotten good at getting around using this...
As well as his crutches. Thank goodness it was his left leg so he can drive! You just really never know when your life will change. And there are so many worse things that happen every day! Another reminder to never take a single day for granted. Or the ability to walk! We will have to find different things to do this spring and summer than some that we had planned. Time to get creative I guess... So many things he's used to doing he just can't right now. Like playing outside with the boys. So he got online and looked up lots of different ways to make paper airplanes and they have made a ton of them and have played and played with them for 2 days straight!
I guess I didn't realize you posted about Lars' surgery yet.
I love the picture of him and Gunnar on the couch. I hope it will all go as well as possible for all of you. I know you can be creative :)
Our prayers are with you. Hope it gets better soon.
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