Gunnar is 7 months old today!
And yes I'm going to do a post every month older he gets :)
He just keeps getting cuter and cuter...he actually sat up really well today for a long time for the first time, so I took a bunch of pictures of him playing in the leaves.
He mostly just wanted to try to eat them so it was hard to get him to look at me, but he loved being outside.
It was such a nice day!
He is so cute!! What a great fall we are having.. Glad that you are enjoying it!! Hey would you travel to Evanston to take family pictures? You are really good... Take Care
He is getting so old, Michael prefers to sit up all the time now too. If he is fussy I just sit him up with toys and he is happy. Your kids are so cute!!
Your pictures are so cute, sepecially your header, that is darling. Good to talk to you the other day.
Oh he is a cutie! It's crazy how fast the months go by. Alyssa will soon be walking and will be 11months old next week. They are so fun when they are little. I'm on pins and needles to see what Ashton is for Halloween. his last 3 costumes were sure cute. We are recylcing one of ours, found one on Clearance for Alyssa when she was born and Kayla has already dressed up as two different things for the Halloween parties we have already been too, so I'm not sure what she'll settle on tonight. Happy halloween, have fun trick or treating.
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