We have been telling Ashton the past couple weeks that we would take him to a corn maze (not that he really knew what it was...but he was excited anyway), so last night we finally did. First we went to Arctic Circle to get a kid's meal because they have little Halloween flashlights as the toy and he wanted one to take to the maze. Then we drove across the parking lot to Old Grist Mill, so Lars and I could get some non-fast food. Then off we went to The American West Heritage Center to check out the corn maze & everything else they have going on out there. By the time we got there it was just getting dark...and colder than I thought it would be. I had packed hats for the boys and me, but no gloves for Ashton and he just had on a t-shirt and jeans and a fleece pullover. Gunnar had on a little fleece outfit and I had a blanket for him. I guess I wasn't really thinking it would be that cold or I would have packed winter coats and gloves! It was pretty darn cold. We went inside and bought our tickets, then went and got on the wagon pulled by horses to go out to the corn maze. As the horses started off it kind of jerked the wagon and I swear Ashton almost fell out the back! It scared me to death. I grabbed him and put him on the other side of me and made sure I held onto him the rest of the ride. After about a 5 minute ride, they dropped us off (it was completely dark at that point besides all of the Halloween decorations & lights), so we walked around for a few minutes, then found the kid maze..which Ashton LOVED! It was just made out of a bunch of hay bales and to him it was like a giant fort to play in. I think he would have been happy to play there for hours. But we figured we had better check out the corn maze before it got even colder. So we got a map (which ended up being pointless) and headed in. It was huge! And thank goodness for Ashton's little ghost light because it was really dark too. The girl we talked to before we went in that worked there said that you could get through in about 25 mintues if you knew exactly where you were going. So after we were in there for awhile I kind of started to freak out that we could be in there with two little boys freezing for a couple of hours. At that point I started praying to St. Anthony that we would find our way out quickly. Before we went much further Lars and I decided we should probably try to backtrack the way we came to get back to the entrance rather than get even further in. Luckily we made it back out in about 15 minutes and we went into one of the buildings they have there where there happened to be an LDS activity night going on and they were nice enough to offer us some hot chocolate and donuts. That is one thing Ashton can't say no to-he loves donuts and Gunnar would have loved one too if he could have had one! So we warmed up for a few more minutes, then Lars took Ashton out to play in the kid maze for a few more minutes while we waited for the horse wagon to come back and get us. Then after a cold ride back to the truck we headed home. Even in the cold Gunnar never got fussy-I've decided that he loves getting out of the house-he was happy the entire time. It doesn't hurt that we packed him around all night too. Other than the cold it was a fun night!
Robin and I and two of our other friends went to a corn maze in Colorado last Halloween time. Unfortunately, there had been a lot of snow the week before and when we got to the maze the corn was maybe waist high!!! It looked nothing like the maze you all went to. I am glad you guys made it out okay and that Ashton had so much fun. Too bad Lars was not a little taller so that he could have seen over the corn. Hope all is well!
So glad to hear you made it out of there in one piece (or without freezing yourselves!) I've heard that it takes awhile to get out - especially if the map doesn't work for you. One neighbor took 2 hours to get out!!!!
By the way - I love the new picture of Ashton and Gunner - just adorable.
Robin and I and two of our other friends went to a corn maze in Colorado last Halloween time. Unfortunately, there had been a lot of snow the week before and when we got to the maze the corn was maybe waist high!!! It looked nothing like the maze you all went to. I am glad you guys made it out okay and that Ashton had so much fun. Too bad Lars was not a little taller so that he could have seen over the corn. Hope all is well!
So glad to hear you made it out of there in one piece (or without freezing yourselves!) I've heard that it takes awhile to get out - especially if the map doesn't work for you. One neighbor took 2 hours to get out!!!!
By the way - I love the new picture of Ashton and Gunner - just adorable.
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