Ashton and Lars weren't home from Price for long before we all left town again. This time to Wyoming. While Ashton was in preschool on Tuesday Lars and I got all packed up, then picked him up and headed to Wyoming (in both vehicles). Lars was going hunting up there and I got news on Sunday that my Grandpa's sister, my great aunt ("Aunt Tom" we always called her) had passed away. She would have been 88 next month. She was a great lady and when she was in good health I have lots of memories of her over at my Grandpa's house when we had barbecues. Ashton got to ride with Lars as far as Woodruff, then he got in with Gunnar and me to travel the rest of the way to Evanston. I thought he would be really upset when he realized he wasn't actually going hunting with Lars and had to come with me-but he was fine. He always loves going to Grandma & Grandpa Harry's house. The funeral service was on Wednesday morning and luckily they just had a little viewing and a family prayer at the funeral home, then we went to the graveside service which lasted close to an hour I guess, then a luncheon. Ashton did pretty well considering he doesn't sit still for too long usually. I'm glad we were able to make the trip and attend all of it. It worked out well too since Lars was going to be hunting all week. We spent some time over at my Grandpa's house again with him and my uncles and my cousin Neil. It was good to see you again Neil-we never see you twice in one year! Thanks also Charlie & Sam for entertaining Ashton again! We spent the rest of the time at my Mom's house. Ashton stays entertained for hours helping her outside with her chores and playing in his little sandbox and on the swing it was somewhat of a break for me. Gunnar was pretty good too besides sleeping. I think I got a total of 8-10 hours of sleep in the four nights we were there!! I don't know if he was just finally catching up last night or if it was all the food I tanked him up on at 8:00, but he actually slept from 9 pm-4 am! He hasn't slept that long of a stretch since he was 3 months old!! I hope it will become an every night thing! We got up yesterday morning and got all packed up and left Evanston around 10:00. I was sooooo tired driving and it rained hard the entire trip. It was such a relief to finally get home. Luckily Lars got home a few hours after we did. He got drenched hunting too...and said they saw a few bucks, but didn't shoot anything.
Hopefully we'll all be home for awhile. I had thought Ashton and Gunnar were pretty much over the little colds they had last week, but while we were there Ashton's nose started really running again and he was coughing a lot. Now Gunnar sounds like he's getting something again. Grrrrr....
Here are some pictures from our trip...
Gunnar sitting on the porch with Grandma wrapped in a towel since I forgot his blanket!
Gunnar's first ride in the swing!
Ashton roasting hotdogs with Uncle Sam on my Grandpa's patio (wearing my sunglasses to keep the smoke out of his eyes)
My cousin Neil and me :)
Gunnar on Grandma's couch
1 comment:
Glad you got to go home since Lars was going out of town. Your boys are so cute I could just eat them up. You're a trooper to take them that far alone in the car. YOu're amazing.
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