Like I said in my last post we went to Price for the weekend. We got out of here around 1:30 on Thursday and actually made it the whole 3 hours without stopping! It was the most peaceful trip I think we've had so far with both of our kids. Gunnar (of course feeling horrible) slept for over 2 hours of it and Ashton watched Bolt, then just hung out the rest of the way with hardly any whining! We mostly went to see Lars' Mom since she broke her leg and had surgery the week before last. She's doing well, it's just still hard for her to get around at this point. She can use a walker and wheel chair then eventually crutches. I think she enjoyed having us all there to take her mind off of it
On Friday we went over to Lars' sister's in-laws and all the kids colored Easter eggs and had pizza...
Then the rest of the day Ashton played and played and played with his cousins Ali and Hunter outside at Nana and Papa's.
Then playing in the little fort they always make outside..
Gunnar still wasn't feeling very well with his rash, so he was pretty attached to me all weekend. Saturday it rained pretty much all day so we just lazed around the house and Ashton played inside with his cousins all day. That night we gave him an Easter present from us...this fun game called "Flippin' Frogs" (thanks for recommending it Tallie!) so that he could play it with his cousins before we left. It was lots of fun! Even for the adults. Kind of addictive!
Yesterday we got up and the boys found their Easter buckets with all their goods in them...
Ashton was so excited to find his filled with Toy Story 2, swimming goggles,
...a Buzz lightyear camera, a little lantern (which already doesn't work...

It is heaven for him there...he LOVES his cousins!
Here they are playing a wicked game of tetherball...

I love this picture of Ashton...he was getting so mad at first because he couldn't get his frogs to stick on the tree!
Hee Hee! (classic Ashton!)
The whole point is to flip as many of your frogs as you can onto the branches of this tree before it closes up and whoever ends up with the most frogs still hanging on wins.
Simple but so fun!
I better talk to the Easter Bunny about shopping at the dollar store!)...and lots of other fun Easter stuff!
Gunnar had fun digging stuff out of his too...
...and he loved his goggles! Too funny!

The Easter Bunny found these cute buckets at Hobby Lobby and had so much fun personalizing them!!!
Thanks to my great neighbor Carrie and her vinyl lettering machine!
Love how they turned out! So fun!
After all that excitement we got ready and went to church.
Always an adventure. We had to show up about 20 minutes early to get a seat, so by the time church was about half over we had two very squirmy whiny boys on our hands.
Gunnar was cute the first half though loudly saying "Hi" to everyone around us about 17 times!
It's been fun this year teaching Ashton about why we celebrate Easter (besides the Easter Bunny and Egg hunts) and fun to see him understand more and ask all sorts of questions.
After church we went back to Nana and Papa's and packed up our stuff, ate lunch and Ashton got to play a little longer with his cousins. Then we left around 1:00 and had another mostly peaceful drive home! Lars tried to stop off at Sportsman's Warehouse in Riverdale not realizing it would be closed on Easter...(darn!). So we got right back on the freeway and made it in 3 hours again. So nice!
Our happy travelers...
It was a fun weekend!
When we got in the house Ashton found that the Easter Bunny had made a quick stop at our house while we were gone to hide a few eggs. He was a little disappointed they all had the same boring thing in them and kept asking why they did.
Geez...the Easter Bunny was busy being crafty with the buckets alright????
Looks like you had a great Easter! You guys all look darling! And I love the buckets! So cute!
Cute bucket idea! The pics all turned out cute! it's hilarious of Ashton playing the game and getting so mad. hmmmmm - does that remind you of anyone? Maybe it's hereditary!
I love your Easter buckets what a great idea! I may have to steal that for next year! Glad you had a good Easter!
Buckets turned out way cute - good job! I'm glad your guys liked the game - we have gone through a lot of batteries playing flippin frogs! I have not posted easter yet - I want to write about the near death mother in law experience but that requires tact!
I love the Easter Buckets! The Easter Bunny did a fantastic job on them!! Sounds like you all had a wonderful weekend...
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