We had the best weekend...starting last Friday morning. To my surprise Lars had the day off work for Good Friday (thanks to his company that is based back East). It was great to have him home especially since I wasn't expecting it. So I got out for a good run that morning while he played with the boys, then we all colored eggs together...always fun!

Then we got Ashton to school and came home and got all of our stuff ready to go stay the night at Little America in Salt Lake. We haven't all gone and stayed at a hotel since we went over a year ago and stayed in Lava...so it was a big treat for Ashton and Gunnar.
Ashton was so excited when I picked him up from school. The first words out of his mouth (as he's running towards the truck) were..."Mommy did you pack my swimsuit and my pajamas?" That was pretty much our plan...to take them down and let them swim then go to dinner, then stay the night and let them swim for a long time again in the morning after breakfast. They had so much fun! 
Oh and I had fun watching them swim...thankful that Lars got in with them so I didn't have to. I am so not a swimmer!
We waited till the last minute to check out, then went and looked at more trailers (no we didn't buy one), then went to lunch, then went and visited some good friends of ours that live in Farmington, then finally headed home. It was a fun little getaway.
Sunday the boys woke up to find the Easter Bunny left eggs all over the house and filled their buckets full.
Hunting for eggs is Gunnar's favorite!
Oh and of course eating all the chocolate he can get his little hands on.Then it was time to get dressed for church. I made these little tie shirts for them this year. They were kind of a pain, but turned out pretty cute (if you don't look too close!)
I love going to mass on Easter Sunday and the boys were so good! Really some Sundays are hard, but that day they did great. After that we headed home to wait for Grandma and Grandpa Harry and Aunt Kelli to come visit for the day.
I made the boys keep their church clothes on and took all of those pictures of them while we waited...they ever cooperated for that! Surprise!
After everyone arrived, we packed up a lunch and took it to the "green" park and ate and had fun with water guns and playing catch.

Oh and laying on the warm slides.
It really was the most beautiful day that day. We came home and Kelli and I set up another egg hunt outside for the boys while they played inside.
It never gets old!
Then Kelli and I made our yummy 5 cheese ziti (which is really 4 cheese, since I can't ever find fontina cheese:) but it was so good! Ashton and Gunnar entertained us with jokes while we ate...then it was time for Mom's "special dessert", then time for them to head home.
It was a great weekend!
Sunday the boys woke up to find the Easter Bunny left eggs all over the house and filled their buckets full.
After everyone arrived, we packed up a lunch and took it to the "green" park and ate and had fun with water guns and playing catch.
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