On Sunday afternoon I was cleaning up lunch and Lars and Kelli were in the living room, when we noticed it was a little too quiet. So Lars went searching for Gunnar and found him in the bathroom with the door closed, so he opened the door and checked on him. He was brushing his teeth, and wanted to be left alone, so Lars closed the door and let him continue brushing. Then about 5 seconds later we all hear a big crash and a big cry. We all went running and found that Gunnar had pulled the bathroom drawer out onto himself! It first hit him in the face and did this...
Then as he's screaming bloody murder I'm looking all over to see what else could be hurting and I see his little toe on his left foot bleeding badly and obviously cut pretty bad. So I took him out and put him on the counter so we could get a better look at it. Once again so nice to have nurse Kelli here to do an assessment (and for so many countless other reasons). We could see that it had totally skinned the top of it and the toenail was loose, but then when we flipped it over, the whole bottom of it was skinned bad too and to me it looked like it was broken and almost hanging off! It was so nasty. It was really hard to tell how bad it was though with all of the blood and Gunnar freaking out so bad, so Kelli suggested we take him in. So we headed into Insta Care.
Ashton of course was seeing all of this and was being so cute with Gunnar. He kept hugging him and kissing him and telling him it was okay. Well that is in between asking us if his toe was going to fall off and if he was going to die!
Then as I'm carrying Gunnar into the place Ashton says...
"I think Gunnar's going to need a wheelchair."
Oh Ashton...We had to laugh!

Anyway the nurses and doctor checked out his toe and cleaned it off (as he was still hysterical the entire time), and decided that it wasn't bad enough to need stitches, so the nurse just put antibiotic ointment on it and bandaged it up. Then he had to have it x-rayed to make sure it wasn't broken and it's not.
Poor little guy :(
(the look on his face says it all!)

He will lose his toenail I'm sure, but hopefully in about a week it will look a lot better...sorry for the graphic picture...I told you it was nasty!.JPG)
After we got home and he took his nap, he wanted me to hold him for awhile, but then I put some of Ashton's old slippers on him, so he could go outside and he started walking, then running on it just fine.
After changing the bandages this morning (and crying during that) he's back to his happy little self today!.JPG)
Ouch... that does look pretty nasty! Tough little guy.
ooh that looks like it hurts. blood comes with boys i think. You don't see addy bleeding just bruising. :)
Wow - that's nasty - poor guy. so glad he has bounced back so fast!
ha! i just read cass's comment. so true. she might crack her skull, but she won't bleed!
Gunnars expressions are priceless. love the scowl, it really does say it all. poor baby, no fun to get hurt and have all the drama. glad he's ok.
p.s. next time addy hurts herself, i'm bringing her to your house to see kelli first ;)
I love that smiling picture at the bottom of this post. :-) And I'm so glad his tiny precious toe was not hurt seriously!
Love, Glamma :)
That is horrible, I hate when they get hurt! You are such a wonder-mom... you better have more kids, you seem too put together and darling ALL the time! I haven't blogged for so long, its been fun catching up on other people's lives!
oh my gosh....we just did that same thing last summer with Jett's finger!!!! crazy we always seem to mirror each other! hey I will be in the store ALOT the first couples weeks so you will probably have a better chance of catching me than not, for sure come stop by soon. you can give me call on my cell to check and see if I am there 757-8415!
oh byw Jett's nail had to be sewn on to his nail bed and it did fall totally off but a new one grew back it was pretty crazy! so if gunnar's falls off it probably will grow back:)
Oh, poor little Gunnar, that looks like it hurt so much... but I'm glad he's smiling again! That last picture of him is SO adorable!
OWWWIEEE!!! Poor little guy! So glad he was O.K. I thinks those things are sometimes harder on mama! And I'm laughing you had your camera...you know I would of too! :) After all this is part of his story. Good or Bad!
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