Here are my most recent favorite pictures of Gunnar...
This is one of the faces he makes all the time...I love it!
He and Ashton were out playing with the hose (and getting drenched) the other night, so when he wanted to get dry, I put this towel on him and he just looked too cute, so I had to go grab my camera.
Everything Ashton says to him, Gunnar comes up to me and says "Ashton said this, or Ashton called me that."

He warmed up for a few minutes, then went back to watering the lawn and everything else for us. Lars said he looked like a little wizard.
Since this blog has become my journal, it's time again to write down some of the things that I don't want to forget about this time in our life. So read on if you want, but this is another one of those posts that is more for me to look back on later.
Sadly Gunnar has almost completely (just this past week) given up calling Ashton "Aggie". He can say Ashton so clearly now that he rarely says Aggie anymore. Sad!
We had even started calling him that a lot of the time.
Oh well...maybe we still will!
Some of the other cute things he says lately...
Okay is always "Otay" and he says it all the time.
His G's sound like D's, so Gunnar is "Dunnar",
Where we going? is Where we "doh-ing?",
Bugs are "buds".
He is talking SO much now!
Half the day he still wants me to hold him and he comes up to me constantly saying "I need you Mommy." Or "I want you Mommy." Oh how I treasure those words and will miss them some day I know!
Lots of times he randomly comes up to me and kisses my arm, or gives me a hug.
Everything Ashton says to him, Gunnar comes up to me and says "Ashton said this, or Ashton called me that."
Like I always told Ashton, I tell Gunnar that I just want him to stay little. So yesterday after being gone to town with Lars, he gets out of the truck and wants me to hold him and has this sneaky look on his face and says "I'm gonna get BIG Mommy!" In a sort of taunting voice...little stinker.
The other half the day when he's not wanting me, he wants gum.
"Please me have dum Mommy?"...always said in the sweetest, most innocent voice with his head cocked to one side.
I'm laughing so hard right now, because no joke as I'm typing this, he just came up to me and did just that! I really try to resist, but...
He still is an early riser...and I still prefer not to be, so I've gotten in the habit of putting him in bed with me when he wakes up in the morning, turning a show on for him and that buys me another half an hour of sleep! And once in a great while he'll snuggle in and fall back asleep.
Then when Ashton wakes up he'll jump in with us.
Speaking of Ashton...
Now that it is summer (school for him has been out for almost a month), I signed him up for a fun little program that Providence City does, called Fun in the Sun. He did it last year and loved it. Well this year, not so much. He had a complete meltdown when I signed him up, then on the day it started I took him and he melted down again in complete fear of going. I literally could not get him to stop crying and to stay and have fun! I even told him that he could either stay or we'd go home and have quiet time in his room all afternoon. So that's what he chose. And that's what we did. So the second day he was supposed to go, I had him all talked into going, took him, tried to drop him off and it was the same story all over again. There was no way I was getting him to stay. Oh well...once again we came home and had quiet time and have kept up with it every day since!
So out of a very frustrating situation for me (thinking I was doing something fun for him to keep him entertained at least a couple hours a day 2 days a week, then him not going...) came some good.
Some much needed, now enforced, quiet time every day!
After being in there about the 3rd day for his hour, he came out and I asked him what he'd been doing. To which he replied...
"I mostly watched my watch." Haha!
At least we've had t-ball to keep him busy the past few weeks since we got back from Texas. He has loved it.

Oh back to Gunnar for a minute...whenever I ask him and Ashton if they want to go do something (no matter what it is), he excitedly with a big smile on his face, yells "Yeah!" And today said..."That will be so fun Mommy!" when I said we were going to the park.
I love his innocence and enthusiasm at this age.
Now that it's almost officially summer...maybe it will finally get nice and stay nice!
Well I am glad you write these down. :) I LOVE hearing all about them! And I think Ashton is so handsome in his t-ball clothes and Gunnar is TOOO cute in the towel with those blue eyes!! Also how neat that Ashton has quiet time!! He is also finding out he CAN entertain himself part of the time. :)
I can't believe how old both the boys look in these pics!! Crazy! And I totally remember Dylan saying "dum" and wanting it all the time too - funny!
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