Anyway our trip was awesome and this could be a really, really long post, but I'm going to try to keep it somewhat short (even though I downloaded 375 pictures off of my camera when we got home!) Plus 100 that my Dad took off his camera and put on a disk for me!
So where did I leave off?
...we put them in their suits and they ran through the water forever while we found some shade, had chocolate shakes and watched.
Then we ate at Joe's Crab Shack and headed home.
Tuesday we drove to Galveston and had our day at the beach.
It was a beautiful day & we pretty much had the beach to ourselves. Ashton spent most of his time "wave jumping" and loving it.
Gunnar followed right behind him and would have loved to do it "all by himself", but he's a little small yet! So he had fun playing in the sand and chasing birds.
They both spent a long time searching for seashells with Grandpa and came home with quite a collection.
It was a fun day!
Wednesday we got up and got ready and took the boys to the Children's Museum of Houston. It was an awesome museum...lots of stuff focused on science, so it was right up Ashton's alley. But there were lots of fun things for Gunnar to explore as well.
Then it was back home for more time in the backyard pool...
Love your smile Ashton...pure happiness!Yum!
It's been a long day Mommy~I just need to relax...
This is one of my favorite pictures from the trip (even though it's not in focus)...
It makes me happy.
Here's another favorite...most days the boys were worn out after all of the stuff we did. And this night Gunnar's fever spiked again and he zonked out on the couch at about 7:30 with his beloved nigh nightsThursday we drove back down to Galveston for the afternoon. We had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe.
On our last trip to Texas (3 years ago!) we took Ashton there and he was terrified of the "big monkeys". He was so funny-he never cried or screamed, he just put his hands over his eyes and wouldn't move them, until we finally moved to a different table not so close to the monkeys.
While he was gone, we relaxed at home, then packed a lunch and took the boys to another little close by "water" park to cool off.
Wonderful post! I'm glad you all had such an incredible time and got to do so many fun things! Loved seeing all the cute pictures:-)
that sounds like an amazing vacation!!! The pictures are great and the smiles on everyone's faces are so sweet. Genuine! A sign of a true vacation...
I can't believe how big Gunnar is looking! And your brother, Michael, has changed sooooo much since i saw him last! Sounds like you guys had ffun! Has Ashton forgotten about the dog yet?
Wow!! Geoff's question is did Lars catch any fish and did he like it? Does it beat the river fly fishing? I might could get him to TX if I could hold fly fishing over his head!! You did so much fun stuff... Nothing like being spoiled on vacation! Do you feel refreshed.. The boys happiness is evident!
i'm so glad you had so much fun! the boys are so happy in every pic!
These pictures show what a great time you and your family had! The boys look great and happy!
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