After our very rainy, cold spring, the warm weather is finally here to stay so we have been spending lots of time outside. These pictures were from last week. All we had were these two baby pools, a sprinkler and these baby floaties, but it entertained Ashton and Gunnar for hours.
Hee hee!They would run from one pool to the next and jump in then run through the sprinklers all while wearing the floaties pretending they were in their own little ships.
Love their imaginations...
And their silly faces...
Those little pools only held air for about half a day, so I decided it was time to get a bigger pool, so this is what we ended up with.
Not loving it so far in our yard since there is no perfectly flat spot (so it's hard to keep the sides up), but they don't care. And what little boy doesn't love a good water gun? Ashton and some of his little buddies had water fights all afternoon one day. The problem was they all wanted to squirt eachother but didn't want anyone to squirt them!!
I could not get him to nap today (hence our long day) he laid in there for about an hour crying off and on and yelling for me. Eventually when I gave up on him ever falling asleep I went in and got him out and rocked him for a few minutes. As he was sitting with me I was asking him why he didn't go to sleep and he said he was just ready to wake up. Then he said "I sang a song for you." I thought how cute...and asked him what he sang. So in this little singing voice he says "Mommy I need you, Mommy I need you ." I just thought it was so cute that after yelling for me and crying he decided "Well maybe if I sing for her...she'll come!" Cutie.
How fun Jess!! Water for the kids is so entertaining and they all "LOVE" it. I think most kids are famous for "I can squirt anyone but no one can squirt me.." Funny kids!! Your kids look so stinking cute and super happy.. I love you and hope that your summer will be filled with lots of happiness as seen in these pictures.
Cute pics Jess - and I guess you actually dress your children to play in the water - instead of mine running around naked -ha! I love the singing story - so cute!
That is so cute that Gunnar can talk so much!! Mike is not quite there...okay well not at all. It seems like Ashton was always a really good talker too though.
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