I thought maybe we'd have him all potty trained...hahahaha! Well that hasn't happened yet.
I knew I would jinx myself!!
He did really good for a couple weeks, but now he's almost completely lost interest.
We'll keep trying...
His nose is all healed up and we got our pictures taken on Tuesday. He and Ashton cooperated for awhile, so I'm crossing my fingers we got some good ones.
Gunnar is such a silly fun kid.
This was his funny face he made for a few days...
Last night at dinner as I put his cup of milk in front of him, he said "But Mommy, chot-late milk is better for my bones!"
He has a little addiction going on. At least it's carnation instant breakfast...
Lots of times when he's talking about Ashton, he'll say "Does my brother do that?" Or whatever he's asking about at the moment...it's "my brother".
He loves it if I'm down on the floor cleaning up toys, or wiping off the floor...he'll come up to me and either pet my back saying "Look I have a new pet!", or climb on me saying "This is a nice ride."
Oh back to potty training for a minute, after the first 3 or 4 days, he decided he really didn't want to poop on the potty, but we could tell when he needed to go, and also tell that he was holding it in...so if we'd ask him if he needed to go, he started saying "Nope, it just glooped back in." hahaha! Lars asked me where he got that, and I told him not from me, he must have made it up!
Like I said before, he gets a new injury every day. If it's hurting him, he says..."It's owie-in Mommy". I love how he says things.
I think it was on Monday that I was cleaning and didn't hear the boys for awhile, so I went to check on them and found them in the little corner behind Ashton's bed and Ashton was reading a book to Gunnar :)
Love these sweet moments...(in between all the fighting)!
I still love to tell Gunnar he has to stay little forever and he always tells me..."No I'm growing up big Mommy."
(here's his little pouty model pose...haha!)
2 1/2 already... Slow down time.
I loved this whole post :) And he still looks so much like you did when you were little. You need to take a picture without any makeup on and see how much he still does with your cute freckles also. :) He is adorable!
Thanks Mom :) But I will not be taking any pictures of myself without makeup!!! hahaha!
Don't worry, Bea thought she would try underwear for about 2 days. She now just request pull ups. She is officially over 3! I figure it will happen someday. She can't wear a diaper forever.
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