About a week before school started Ashton learned how to tie his own shoes. One day as we were headed outside, I noticed him in the laundry room putting on his tennis shoes and trying to figure it out. So I went in and showed him and tried to help him. He immediately got really frustrated, so I walked away and let him keep trying. A few minutes later I went back in and showed him one more time and he got it!
He was so excited!
The look on his face reminded me exactly of how he looked the first time he rode down the sidewalk on his bike with no training wheels. Success! Since then he's wanted to wear "tie" shoes almost every day and he loves to tie his own shoes.
Good job buddy!
Congratulations Ashton!! You are getting too big way too soon!! What a smart boy you are! :)
Love, Grandma
Wohoo! way to go Ashton. I remembered when I learned to tie my shoes and kept double knotting them and then I couldn't get them untied... I love the smile!
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