Yesterday he did awesome!
Even did his first poop (which was SO exciting for all of us!)
Each time he goes pee he gets 2 Reeses Pieces...
...and for poops he gets a chocolate kiss (or a BIG chocolate chip as he calls it).
This morning he even woke up completely dry! I was shocked. And today he's done really well again all day. I put another Pull-up on him for our walk and he came back dry in it too. He's so cute running back and forth to the potty all excited in his tiny little undies. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed and not turning back now. Ashton was just over 2 when he was completely trained day and night, so maybe we can get Gunnar done by 2 1/2? Cross your fingers with me!
Oh and we have plenty of toilet paper to use in this process...
(This is what kept Gunnar busy the other day while I was getting ready)

This post is wonderful, cute and hilarious all rolled into one! He is so cute and so smart and loves chocolate almost as much as his horsey Grandma :) Yay for Gunnar!! :)
SOOOOO JEALOUS!! Can I send Jenna over? Way to go GUNNAR and MOM!
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