For months now every few days Ashton has asked me to wiggle his teeth to see if any are loose yet and each time when I say "Nope, not yet"...he gets SO disappointed and wonders if he is EVER going to lose his first tooth. So the night before last I asked him if I could check and lo' and behold when I reached in and wiggled one it felt loose! Then I tried the other bottom one and sure enough it is loose too. Oh the look on his face! Just like when he learned to ride his bike with no training wheels and tied his shoes by himself the first time. Priceless. So happy and excited! So he of course walked around wiggling them all night, then as I was tucking him into bed he asked me if I would come in every hour during the night and wiggle them for him! Oh Ashton...I love you!
But I do have to say I will so miss your cute perfectly straight baby teeth...
I remember the excitement Daddy and I had when that first little one popped through when you were about 8 months old.
And there it was all by itself for another couple months till you finally got your second one. Yes I will miss them. But I guess it has to start happening sometime...However I do hope they wait to come out till after I get back from California on Sunday!

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