The time came again to upgrade Gunnar's bed...He just seemed like he wasn't staying warm enough at night. I was going in to cover him up a couple times a night and his room is the coldest in the we decided it was time for him to have a real big boy bed. Luckily we had this twin bed downstairs in our playroom (it was Lars' bed when he lived at home).
So a couple weeks ago we moved it up and moved Gunnar's bed down. First night sleeping in it...
He loves it!
Oh and a few other signs of his big boy-ness...just a few days ago I started to notice that he can now say his G's...he first said "Go-Gurt", then when I asked him what his name is he said "Gunnar Chase Larsen". Till now it has always been "Dunnar". So proud of him (and he is so proud of himself)! But it makes me kind of sad :( He can also say his C's and K's...I noticed first when he said "Soccer" so well at Ashton's game last week (used to be "sotter"). He sure is growing up!
1 comment:
Our babies can't grow up. Looks like life is going well and the boys are adorable! I will give you a call soon!
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