Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hunting season...

Lars looks forward to this time of year every year, and his hunt has finally come and is over today actually.
So he went up a week ago on Tuesday and camped for 4 nights, just up right hand fork in Logan Canyon. Really close, so the boys and I drove up on Saturday afternoon after Gunnar's soccer game to hang out for a bit.
We had so much fun! Lars' buddy had borrowed this fun ride from a friend and let us take it for a ride up to the top of that road. It is so beautiful up there and Ashton and Gunnar thought riding in that was the greatest thing ever.
I even drove it for a minute...I think I need one :)
 I love all of these pictures and how they tell the story of how much fun we had that day :)
We stayed for a couple hours, then headed home. Lars ended up coming home that night also after freezing the past couple nights. It was a very rainy, snowy hunt for him this year unfortunately and he said he missed when he shot at one big deer he saw.
Ashton got to skip school yesterday and go up with him and when Gunnar woke up and realized they were gone, he broke down and cried for a long time :( I felt so bad for him. So I asked him what he wanted and like a smart kid he chose crepes and helped me make them and sprayed way too much whip cream on his and was happy as a clam :)
Ashton had so much fun hiking around and hunting with Lars yesterday...he called me from LaBeau's over in Bear Lake excited to tell me they drove over to get burgers and shakes.
 I was happy he got to go have that fun day...his first time really hunting with Lars. So worth a missed day of 3rd grade :)
Gunnar was excited to find out that he got his turn to go with Lars today. He got the biggest smile on his face when I told him and he started to try to think of what he'd need to pack in his backpack to take with him.
I'm so glad they each got to have their own special day...they need that one on one time sometimes!
I wish for Lars' sake that he'd get one today because of how much he looks forward to it, we'll see :)

1 comment:

Susan O. said...

I'm glad Ashton and Gunnar each got to have their day with Lars hunting :) And yes you really do live in beautiful country. I feel like I do too (especially in the summer). :)