Gunnar had his 4 month check-up last week, but I decided to wait on the shots since we had family in town and we were heading to Wyoming in a couple days just in case they made him more fussy. So I took him in yesterday to get them. Poor little guy! I HATE when they have to get shots, it makes me want to cry. He was so happy and cooing at the girl who was about to poke him...I felt so bad for him! He screamed for a minute after he got them, but then he was fine and slept while I got my Walmart shopping done. Last night I could tell that they were really starting to bother him though. He just got really fussy and finally fell asleep while I was holding him. I took advantage of the situation and just sat on the couch and held him for a long time. My sweet little boy.
I hate it too. I used to give those little tykes those shots and i remember the moms restraining themselves with beating me up. It's so sad but so worth it.i think. How did you come up with the name Gunnar? I love it.
I can't believe he's 4 months!! He looks so much bigger to me! Hopefully the shots won't bug him too bad!!-love ya mandy
He is so dang cute. If you ever need me to watch them I would love to. Both of them.
I hate it too. I used to give those little tykes those shots and i remember the moms restraining themselves with beating me up. It's so sad but so worth it.i think. How did you come up with the name Gunnar? I love it.
Michael had his shots last week too, so sad.
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