I just can't believe how fast the time is going! Didn't I just bring him home from the hospital like a week ago? My sweet little baby is getting so big! Ashton and I took Gunnar to town and picked out this little exer-saucer for him today. So far the couple of times he sat in it he has loved it! It will be nice to have another thing to entertain him. The other day Ashton wanted me to set up his little Thomas the Train track that goes around and around on it's own, so I did and Gunnar was laying by it on the floor and rolled over to his belly and watched it forever! He LOVES it! It's so cute to see him get so excited about stuff. I love how he watches Ashton playing too-it will be fun to see them interact more and more as he gets bigger. Ashton is really so sweet with him mostof the time.
Hi Larsen's: Look at your blog today, sweet and precious photos of Ashton and his teammates and Gunnar in his new exer-saucer. Happy 5 months Gunnar! Love & Hugs, Papa & Gunnar
Who cares how he plays as long as he looks cute right? That's what I have to say. Cute photos. Your cute baby is getting big. I didn't know you were a fisherman. That's awesome.
Hi Larsen's: Look at your blog today, sweet and precious photos of Ashton and his teammates and Gunnar in his new exer-saucer. Happy 5 months Gunnar!
Love & Hugs, Papa & Gunnar
Who cares how he plays as long as he looks cute right? That's what I have to say. Cute photos. Your cute baby is getting big. I didn't know you were a fisherman. That's awesome.
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