My Mom called me Sunday night to see if it would be okay if she came down Monday to see Ashton and Gunnar. So I told her that it was fine...we would be around all day. So she showed up that morning around 11:00. I had been out for a walk with the boys and hadn't even gotten around to showering or anything since I planned on cleaning my bathrooms (finally) while she was there to entertain Ashton. A few minutes after she showed up I got another knock on my door and commented to my Mom that I really didn't want to answer it, but of course Ashton ran ahead of me to get it. To my GREAT surprise I see my sister and her boyfriend (now fiance'!) of 2 years that I had yet to ever meet. I was starting to think he didn't really exist-that she'd just photo-shopped him into the few pictures I had seen. I was completely shocked! Especially when she told me that they had been planning their trip to see us (and lots of other places) for 2 months! And that they have been engaged for about 4 months! They are both traveling nurses living in Farmington, New Mexico and are on 3 weeks vacation traveling across the west on Jimmy's motorcycle. So they drove to Evanston first and stayed a couple nights, then stayed with us Monday night and left yesterday morning to head through Jackson and Yellowstone and many other places on their fun trip. Never did I picture you riding on the back of a motorcycle all leathered up Kelli. Who's jealous of who now???
Poor Ashton was kind of sick while they were here-he threw up a few times and had a fever so I was praying that no one else got it. But I was also kind of joking around about the vast differences in our lives right now. Kelli on a three week vacation biking across the west-free as a bird as I sit at home listening to two screaming kids and cleaning up puke all day!
Anyway it was fun to have you guys here and to finally meet you Jimmy.
Congratulations on the engagement!
Here are some pictures from the short surprise visit.
Kelli & Jimmy
Me, Gunnar & Aunt Kelli
Jimmy and Ashton having fun running around the yardKelli, Me, Gunnar and Mom
if my house was as tidy as yours i would welcome drop-ins! what a fun surprise to have so much family in town!
the other day as we are driving home addy says "go see ashun?" so cute! she thinks he's rather entertaining.
ps, i didn't know you were a farm girl?!
Big Congrats to your sis! I'm happy for her! I'm also happy for you that you have seen so much of your family lately!
Love n friendship Angie...(hello to the boys!)
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