As usual Gunnar slept most of the time while I was holding that was nice. We stayed for a couple hours, then went home before it got too hot.Sunday Ashton and Gunnar's Grandparents from Texas arrived (my Dad and Step-Mom Michelle), they stayed 3 nights and left this morning to go to Evanston. I'll take the boys there tomorrow. It was nice to have them here and nice that they could actually stay with us now that our basement is finally finished. We didn't do a whole lot, just hung around the house, did a litle shopping (and a lot of eating) but they were mostly here to meet Gunnar and spend time with him and Ashton. Here are some of the pics from their visit...
Grandpa and the boysGrandma and the boys
Grandpa and Ashton having their "morning coffee"
Grandpa and little man Gunnar
I have to mention that they brought Ashton some new Cars pajamas and he hasn't hardly taken them off the past 4 days! Actually I take that back-they came with a pair of shorts and a pair of pants and every time we turned around he was changing between the two saying things like "oh it's too hot now, I better put the shorts on", then the next minute "I'm getting cold, I better put the pants back on." Over and over and over he changed them, but hey it kept him busy and he LOVES them! I do miss the days of getting to dress him however I want and him not knowing how to change his clothes! Now he would rather stay home in his pajamas than go anywhere if I make him wear normal clothes. Even to get ice-cream or go to a park! Silly kid!
I love the cute pictures of Ashton standing right by the little girl in line. :-)
Can't wait to see Ashton and Gunnar today when you come to Evanston!
Love,Mom (the horsey grandma)
Budding Love. So cute when they are little. Glad you had a good time with family there. We have a pajama problem with Savannah too. I dress her every morning, but sometime during the day she is back in the nightie. It's kind of embarrassing when we are outside at 3 or 4 inthe afternoon and she is in her nightie. People must think I'm too lazy to dress her. It must be a stage at this age.
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