Yesterday on our anniversary, Lars let me sleep in and woke me up awhile later with breakfast in bed (french toast and strawberries :) and of course Ashton hopped up and ate some with me. He loves it when we make eachother breakfast in bed because he gets to join in and thinks it's such a treat to eat in bed! Thanks hunnie! Oh and thanks for NOT taking any pictures to capture that moment.
After I dragged myself out of bed he told me I better get showered and ready for the day (sad when your husband has to tell you that hu?) hey it just doesn't happen some days!
So I did and before I was done my Mom showed up!
Lars had called her about a week and a half ago and asked her if she would come down and watch the boys for the day.

So off we went by ourselves for the whole afternoon. Yes this is a big deal...we don't get babysitters very often and if we do it's just for a couple hours. It was refreshing to just be out together and have peaceful conversations and do whatever we wanted...alone.
Not that we did anything exciting just went shopping for a little while, then went to lunch at Iggy's (should've went to Costa Vida like we were going to...I just don't think Iggy's is that good!!) I felt like I ate a plateful of grease...oh well.
Then we went to a matinee. We saw Slumdog Millionaire...and it was so good! If you haven't seen it, I would highly suggest it for the next movie you see. I loved it. And so nice to go in the middle of the day on a Thursday. It was us and a few other older couples in the theater.
After that we ran to a couple other stores, then headed home.
Thanks for a fun day hunnie!
And thank you so much Mom for coming and watching the boys and taking my place in the daily fight to get Ashton dressed!
Fun isn't it???
We really appreciate you! 

Oh...what are you doing Feb. 26th 2010???
And the 5 days before or after? :)
And the 5 days before or after? :)
I love the upcoming events side bar!! You make me laugh - DORK!!Show me how!!! I can't wait for the April 2 post - all alone in a hotel!!!
New background already!?? I'll never keep up!
Sounds like you had a great time!! Aren't mom's wonderful!! Good job to Lars for planning something!! HE deserves a thumbs up! You are so dang cute!! Miss ya!!
They were good boys! :-)
5 days next year, huh???
I might have to have Grandpa Harry come with me :-)
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